How to know if our child is tolerant to frustration

Children have a hard time accepting that things do not always go the way they want . However, in childhood you have to learn to manage the negative emotions that changes in plans or mistakes made can cause. Learning to tolerate frustration is basic in childhood and will be essential both for the dev

Children have a hard time accepting that things do not always go the way they want. However, in childhood you have to learn to manage the negative emotions that changes in plans or mistakes made can cause.

Learning to tolerate frustration is basic in childhood and will be essential both for the development of emotional intelligence and for not suffering unnecessarily. Silvia Álava, a child psychologist, explains when we can consider that our son has already acquired a good tolerance for frustration. Signos 7 signs that the child can handle frustration

1. When something does not go well, it does not scream, kick, cry or, at least if it does, it will be for a short time.

2. If something has ever gone wrong,

do not avoid that situation , try again.3. When you are sent something you do not want to do, do not ride a big tantrum.

4. Each time he protests less about what he does not like and

his complaints diminish. Es 5. He is able to listen carefully even if he does not care too much. 6. If you are playing with older children,

you strive to be at your level

and do not use it smaller to be allowed to win. Es 7. You are able to wait, at least a minute, for your call.