The starfish. Short story for children

The stars of the sea, is an adaptation of a Sufi folk tale that helps explain children to avoid being defeatists. There are people who decide not to commit themselves, nor act to help others because they think that since you can not do everything, it is better to do nothing. However, with this story

The stars of the sea, is an adaptation of a Sufi folk tale that helps explain children to avoid being defeatists. There are people who decide not to commit themselves, nor act to help others because they think that since you can not do everything, it is better to do nothing.

However, with this story, children can learn that small actions count, and you always have to try to help even if the contribution does not end with the whole problem. A story to teach children to be committed and positive.

A story against passivity and indifference

There was once a writer who lived on the seashore; on a huge virgin beach, where he had a little house and spent seasons writing and looking for inspiration for his book. He was an intelligent and cultured man with sensitivity about the important things in life.

One morning while walking along the ocean, he saw in the distance a figure that moved strangely as if it were dancing. As he approached he saw that it was a boy who was engaged in catching starfish from the shore and throwing them back into the sea.

The man asked the young man what he was doing. He replied:

- I collect the starfish that have been stranded and return them to the sea; the tide has dropped too much and many will die.

Then the writer said:

- But what you do does not make sense, first is your destiny, they will die and they will be food for other animals and besides there are thousands of stars on this beach, you will never have time to save them all.

The young man stared at the writer, took a starfish from the sand, threw it hard over the waves and exclaimed:

- For this one ... it makes sense.

The writer left somewhat bewildered, could not explain such behavior. That afternoon he had no inspiration to write and at night he did not sleep well, he dreamed of the young man and the starfish above the waves.

The next morning he ran to the beach, he looked for the young man and helped him save stars.