Pregnant. Dictionary of doubts with the letter O

Does it occur to you that you do not understand the meaning of many words and terms related to pregnancy? Whether you do not know what they mean or if you need to have more information about them, in we have prepared a dictionary for pregnant women that can help you. Here you can se

Does it occur to you that you do not understand the meaning of many words and terms related to pregnancy? Whether you do not know what they mean or if you need to have more information about them, in we have prepared a dictionary for pregnant women that can help you.

Here you can see all the terms related to pregnancy that start with the O letter O , a great way to be well informed during your pregnancy.Dictionary for pregnant women with the letter O


It is a hormone that is released at the time of delivery and is essential for the baby to be born. However, even before the birth of the baby, during pregnancy is already present and is responsible for triggering positive emotions in the pregnant, contributes to make changes in the body of the woman and facilitates contractions.


The ovaries are the female sex glands and are found on both sides of the uterus. They have an approximate size of two centimeters and produce and secrete sexual ovules and hormones such as estrogens and androgens. They are responsible for releasing the ovum during the menstrual cycle which, if it is finally fertilized, will lead to pregnancy.


It is one of the processes that are triggered during the menstrual cycle by which an ovarian follicle breaks and releases an egg, also called an oocyte. If it is fertilized during the following 12 or 48 hours, a pregnancy will occur, otherwise it will begin to be destroyed and the woman will have menstruation.


It is the female cell that releases the ovary once a month, approximately on day 14 of the menstrual cycle (in regular cycles of 28 days). It lodges in the ovary, the female sexual gland. In the event that the ovum is fertilized by a sperm, pregnancy will begin, otherwise, it will begin to disintegrate and menstruation will occur.

Pregnancy Dictionary


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