How to prepare a baby bottle step by step

Motherhood is an incredible experience full of emotions and surprises, but also of worries and doubts. How to know if you are doing well? Being a mother is learned based on experience and also instinct . But we want to help you solve some doubts. Do you know how to properly prepare a bottle? We tell

Motherhood is an incredible experience full of emotions and surprises, but also of worries and doubts. How to know if you are doing well? Being a mother is learned based on experience and also instinct. But we want to help you solve some doubts. Do you know how to properly prepare a bottle? We tell you step by step.

The baby's bottle step by step

1. The first step in ensuring adequate nutrition for your baby is to take care of hygiene rather than the bottle. Thoroughly wash hands and nails so that the subsequent preparation of the bottle becomes germ-free. The first thing is always to protect your baby.

2. The hygienic aspect continues with the bottle itself, which you must sterilize in each shot, either by boiling it for ten minutes, or in cold water using some disinfectant tablets. In any case, both bottle and teat must be clean and dry before preparing.

3. The water to fill the bottle is preferable to be mineral but low in salts. In case you have to use a tap, it is essential that you boil before to avoid risks in the feeding of your baby. Keep in mind that if you fill the bottle with warm water, then you will not have to warm it up when pouring milk.4.

Most mothers use milk powder for their baby's bottles. The amount of milk for the preparation of the bottle should be governed more by the instructions of the pediatrician than by the manufacturer. And try to fill the muffin up but level the milk with a spoon without pressing to fit more. Remember that if you change the concentration of milk without consulting it, your baby may suffer gastrointestinal discomfort. 5.

The bottle can be heated in the microwave, in the water bath or in the electric bottle warmer. Once hot, you will have to shake it so that it mixes well and the milk does not leave lumps. Do not forget to close the bottle without touching the top of the nipple. 6.

You already have a bottle ready. But before offering it to your baby, you should test its temperature by pouring a few drops on your wrist. The ideal temperature of the baby bottle is between 36º and 38º, which is what breast milk would have. So if you see that it is too hot, you can cool it under a stream of water. Laura Velez

. Editor of Children's Guide