Homeopathy to treat constipation in babies

One of the most frequent problems in the baby is constipation, a problem that has a lot to do with feeding the baby and for which it is advisable to consult the pediatrician. However, some parents prefer to seek alternative treatments for constipation of the baby and find in homeopathy the ideal sol

One of the most frequent problems in the baby is constipation, a problem that has a lot to do with feeding the baby and for which it is advisable to consult the pediatrician. However, some parents prefer to seek alternative treatments for constipation of the baby and find in homeopathy the ideal solution.

Homeopathy offers more natural treatments than conventional medicine and without side effects, which is why it is experiencing a great boom for the care of the little ones. If your baby is constipated and finds it difficult to make his bowel movements, there are some homeopathic remedies that can help you.

Homeopathic treatments for constipation of the baby

You will know that your baby suffers from constipation if he makes less stools than usual or when observing the diaper if the cakitas are harder than normal. When a baby suffers constipation he is also upset, he will feel restless and his crying will be more frequent in intense. In these cases, you can resort to homeopathy because it has some remedies to regulate the intestinal flow of your baby.

Homeopathic remedies such as Alumina or Bryonia are most effective in preventing constipation in lactating babies and are used by dissolving a few drops in the bottle itself. The remed Lycopodium remedy is also effective and un Hydrastis recomienda is recommended for slightly older children. Always being very clear that the consultation with the homeopathic doctor does not exclude the pediatrician, especially if the constipation of the baby lasts for a while. Other remedies for the baby with constipation Perhaps before deciding on any treatment, you prefer to use sometraditional remedies

to avoid discomfort due to constipation of the baby. In the market there are some milks enriched with fiber for children who suffer from constipation frequently. And there is also some care for the baby that can prevent this problem.

It is necessary that the baby practice some physical exercise or, rather, stimulate their movements. The massages in the tripita are also very effective to regulate the intestinal transit, as well as the baths of warm water. In any case, it is very important that you pay attention to the food that you are giving to your baby because it is precisely the cause of his constipation.

Changing milk, adding bran to cereals, eliminating pure foods such as rice or bananas and increasing in water intake are some of the tricks you can try before going to a specialist in homeopathy or to the consultation of the pediatrician. Laura Vélez.

Editor of Guiainfantil.com