Dream about numbers. Dictionary of children's dreams

Numbers are a constant in our lives. A phone number, an address, a list that we have to remember ... They are present everywhere, and it is very common for them to appear when we sleep too. The same happens to the little ones in the house, especially during that time when they learn numerology. Drea

Numbers are a constant in our lives. A phone number, an address, a list that we have to remember ... They are present everywhere, and it is very common for them to appear when we sleep too. The same happens to the little ones in the house, especially during that time when they learn numerology. Dreaming about numbers is very recurrent, and to understand what it means for a child to dream with numbers, we have to look exactly at the numbers he says he saw when he closed his eyes.What happens when a child dreams of numbers

While for an adult, dreaming about numbers could be related to any experience he has had, someone with whom he has something to solve or the beginning of a new era, for a child it symbolizes the


. When children are young, they are in a constant process of learning each day, either at home or at school, or with everything they discover. This would be related to the numbers, that is, in that moment in which the child finds itself in which each thing that learns is completely new and unexpected.On the other hand, the

numerology of dreams can also reflect what the child feels or thinks inside, since it could be related to people who know or who have had a special relationship

with him at a given moment . Dream about numbers What does it mean? As in the case of adults, dreams with numbers can conceal hidden messages also for the little ones. As it happens to us, the numerology depending on the digit can give us clues about our subconscious: from 1 which means

leadership and individuality

, going through the three that resembles the esoteric, until reaching the ten with the new start. They say that dreaming about four or five is a good luck augury, while number two means that we are firm in what we think or feel, and if your child dreams of number nine, what he dreams of has to do with the maternal figure Children also go through cycles in which they start over and that can be seen in terms of the numbers they dream of once they close their eyes, in a continuous hasta learning hasta until they are asleep. Marta Marciel.Editor of Guiainfantil.com