How to make a prince or princess crown step by step

Do you want to learn how to make a prince or princess crown for your children in a very simple way? You can use it for Carnival or for a costume party. You can also do the same a heart-shaped crown que, which will be very useful for example, for Valentine's Day. Materials Red pipe cleaners Gold colo

Do you want to learn how to make a prince or princess crown for your children in a very simple way? You can use it for Carnival or for a costume party.

You can also do the same a heart-shaped crown que, which will be very useful for example, for Valentine's Day.Materials

Red pipe cleaners

  • Gold colored pipe cleaners

  • Assorted beads if you want to add to the crown

  • How to make prince or princess crowns with children

1. To make the heart crown (which can be used for Valentine's Day) , you will need four red pipe cleaners.

2. First, join two pipe cleaners in a circle. It will be the basis of your heart crown.

3. Now, you have to do the heart. You need two red pipe cleaners. You have to shape it, bend it to make the shape of the heart. Be careful, do not get too big. It is better that you are small and that you overly clean them at the ends and then you can attach them to the base of the crown.

4. Join the heart to the base of the crown, winding the ends of pipe cleaners that were left over when making the heart. You already have the crown of heart!

5. We now make the golden crown. You need 6 golden pipe cleaners. First, join two pipe cleaners in a circular shape to make the base of the crown.

6. Take another pipe cleaner and make a churro with it. And you join the base at one end. Do more and place them after the first. They are three elongated semicircles.

7. To make the central area of ​​the crown higher, make another elongated semicircle and place it on top of the central semicircle. And you already have the crown of a prince!

Video of king and queen crowns with pipe cleaners, step by step: