10 Indigenous names for children

When choosing the name of the baby we find so many options that it is very difficult to choose one or the other name. We put some order organizing the baby names for interests and we find the indigenous names for children. The Latin American indigenous names for children are perfect for those famili

When choosing the name of the baby we find so many options that it is very difficult to choose one or the other name. We put some order organizing the baby names for interests and we find the indigenous names for children.

The Latin American indigenous names for children are perfect for those families that are looking for a reunion with their origins and for those who seek original names away from traditional names. These are the 10 most beautiful indigenous names para for children. Native names for children

1. Nahuel.

It is a Mapuche name that means 'tiger' . We like it because it is not eccentric but maintains an original and elegant touch that is hard to resist.2. Tupaq

. This is a Mapuche name meaning'glorious' . One of the greatest attractions of the indigenous names is their meaning, which in this case combines with a forceful sonority.3. Amaru.

The name is of Guaraní origin and means 'rain' . It is one of the most popular indigenous names for children and we like it because it is simple but at the same time transmits personality.4. Ikal.

This mayan name meaning 'spirit' is a special name for its sonority and meaning. It is one of those short names that do not lose strength or originality. 5. Tanok.

It is a Tepehuan name that means 'sun' very popular among Mexican families that look for native names that link them with their origins. The name is simple, original and strong and that's where your success lies. 6. Quillén.

The name Mapuche and means 'beautiful' . In addition to its meaning, what attracts most of this name is that sonority that exudes elegance and discretion.7. Wamán.

The name is of Quechua origin and means 'hawk' . In some places it may be a strange name, but it does not become eccentric and we especially like it because of the force it transmits.8. Newén.

This Mapuche name meaning 'force' is one of the most attractive for children both for its meaning and for its sonority. It comes wrapped with charisma and personality, so it may be a good idea for your child. 9. Mainque.

The Mapuche name means 'condor' , one of those meanings that refer us to nature and freedom. It has a special musicality that makes it a strong and very original name.10. Canek.

It is a Mayan name that means 'black serpent' and that it was granted to the rulers. With this background, it is not strange that it gains in popularity and that it becomes a safe bet for your child. Laura Vélez.

Editor of Guiainfantil.com