What you should know before giving up for adoption

This is a very complicated issue for biological parents . Taking the step to offer or not offer your child for adoption will probably be one of the most important decisions of your life, so you must inform yourself well before taking this option for good. It is important that it be a totalmente tota

This is a very complicated issue for biological parents. Taking the step to offer or not offer your child for adoption will probably be one of the most important decisions of your life, so you must inform yourself well before taking this option for good.

It is important that it be a totalmente totally personal choice sin, without anyone influencing you or pressing you, although you can ask for opinions from the trusted people that make up your surroundings, if you need it. There is very relevant information that you should know at the time ofconsider giving adoption.

What should you know before giving up for adoption? We will not deceive you, this is a very difficult decision and it will never abandon you, but it is an

act of love

towards your baby, because if you really can not take care of him, it is the best solution you can give him. - It is totally forbidden to sell or buy the baby

, whatever the country. - You should know that it is not the same procedure to give adoption to a baby, nor the laws on the matter, in all countries. For example, inSpain

, adoption between individuals is prohibited, so it is the state that is in charge of picking up babies, either by social servicesof each municipality or through hospitals , in the cases of newborns. However, inUS

, as there is no public health, adoptions are made through a private attorney or adoption agency y, and it is usually totallyfree to deliver your baby. Lo - What you should never do, isleave the baby anywhere, even if you know that it is a place where you think the baby will be well cared for, since it is totally illegal, in addition to a crime

. - It is not necessary for your child to be a baby to be adopted, he can be any age . Although he thinks that the older he is the more traumatic the whole process will be for him.- In many countries it is the

family doctor or obstetrician who can inform you of what you must do to be able to give your child up for adoption.There are different options when giving adoption:

1- Give the child custody: Custody is a temporary solution

until you can take care of it personally, since you will not lose your rights over your child as a mother or father. This option is that the child will be raised by another person during the time you need, and always before the child reaches the age of majority.

2- Family adoption. It consists of being adopted by a member of your own family so that you can maintain the relationship with the child. It is processed through a lawyer specialized in family. 3- Open adoption. It is one in which the adoptive parents of the child allow the biological parents to have a limited relationship with the child, through letters, gifts, and even some visits.

4- Closed Adoptions. They are the traditional and most common. In this case, the biological parents lose all contact and rights over the child. It offers great privacy to both parties of the adoption so that each one can continue with their lives after the difficult decision.

You must take into account several factors: Dar - Adoption can leave you permanent psychological scars así, as well as making the decision to stay with you if you are not prepared for it. Try to surround yourself with people who advise you well, the family is usually a great support as long as they do not decide for you, but they offer you

solutions and advice, if not, a psychologist can help you to take whatever step. - Consult with a family lawyer

the doubts you have about it. Many times the first consultation is free.

- If you decide to give your child a welcome you should know that you have the right to a free legal advisor. - The process is easier if the two biological parents agree on the decision to be made.