When the child wants to eat all the time

Whenever there is talk that children have problems with food, we think of those situations where children do not want to eat. Contrary to this there are other cases in which children seem to be eating all the time and are continually hungry. At Guiainfantil.com we tell you what you can do if your ch

Whenever there is talk that children have problems with food, we think of those situations where children do not want to eat. Contrary to this there are other cases in which children seem to be eating all the time and are continually hungry. At Guiainfantil.com we tell you what you can do if your child is constantly hungry for food and hungry. Babies who are always hungry

Children are born with an innate sense to know how much they need to eat. It is normal that when they are babies ask the breast every time since they do not have a regular schedule to eat like adults. Another cause for which the child increases the time of intake is that

is going through a stage of growth. These periods are called "frequency days". And they usually appear at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months or 6 months. The extra time that passes to the breast assures you the nutrients to be able to satisfy your needs during these phases. It is possible that the increase in intake is due to the appearance of a disease. Because she breastfeeds more often, the baby receives more antibodies and immunity during the time it passes to the breast.

In addition, there may be other reasons why the frequency of demand for a breast of a psychological nature increases, such as:

changes in family life such as moving house, vacation period, being separated more than usual from the baby. In general, changes in routine or new stages in its development may be the cause of the greatest demand for breast seeking comfort.

Children who are always hungry

When children grow up and begin to demand independence it is important that they get used to regular meal times. The

lack of routine confuses the little ones y, and it is likely that the child will eat non-stop because he unconsciously does not know when the next meal is due to him since he does not have these hours. It is important that the child make 5 meals a day being these: breakfast, "mid morning", lunch, snack and dinner. In this way, your stomach becomes accustomed and your food digests better. Another cause may be due to anxiety. We must bear in mind that the child who eats a lot, does so because he overturns his desire for food.Tips and suggestions if your child eats constantly

- Do not force the child

. Having children eat when they do not want to do it is not a good idea. Teaching the child to ignore his "being full" signals can lead to problems with food. For example, to think that if you force the child to eat everything you put on his plate to eat, he will not ask for the snack afterwards.

- Healthy choicesThe percentage of fat must be 30% less than the total calories. Offer more nutritional options on a regular basis.

- If the child uses the phrase "I am hungry" to delay obligations

you have to be firm in the limits and imposed rules. - If you use food for psychological reasons it is likely that you need your attention. - When it's anxiety.

When the child wants to eat all the time is likely to see parents trying to stop the child saying, "do not eat so much, you're very fat." This attitude can create the child more anxiety. The more anxious a child is, the more he wants to eat and becomes a vicious circle. Therefore, it is important to know that this is how it is harmed the most and that it needs other ways to tackle the problem like sports. Starting with an individual character (if the child has physical problems), and when their physical condition improves, move to a collective sport.