The first months of pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy a pregnancy test gives us the good news, the first symptoms of pregnancy begin and with them the doubts and worries, as well as the illusion and joy. Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters , the first is the most delicate of all, so we must strive to acquire h

In the first trimester of pregnancy a pregnancy test gives us the good news, the first symptoms of pregnancy begin and with them the doubts and worries, as well as the illusion and joy.

Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, the first is the most delicate of all, so we must strive to acquire healthy life habits to ensure the proper development of the baby.

They are the first 16 weeks of pregnancy and, although it is hard to believe that a baby grows inside the womb because the belly is still not noticed, it is a period of many changes.

Symptoms in the first months of pregnancy

- Amenorrhea: is the first symptom of pregnancy, it is the absence of a rule that will last throughout the pregnancy.

- Breast pain: they can increase in size and produce some tension. Also, the areola darkens and the breast begins to prepare for breastfeeding.

- Dizziness and nausea: many pregnant women suffer episodes of vomiting and dizziness during the first months. There is nothing that eliminates them radically but they can be reduced by eating small amounts of food assiduously. It is recommended to eat 5 times a day.

- Tiredness: the body of the pregnant woman works at full capacity to house the baby and this can make her feel more fatigued. It is convenient to rest as much as possible and take a nap.

- Spotting: implantation of the embryo in the uterus can cause some slight bleeding, if it is abundant it is convenient to go to the emergency room.

- Mood changes: the hormonal dance to which the pregnant woman is subjected makes her go through moments of irritability, and others of joy, followed by the desire to cry.

Food in the first trimester

From the beginning it is essential to have a healthy and balanced diet to avoid risks and ensure that the baby develops correctly. It is convenient that the pregnant woman follow the foundations of the nutritional pyramid in which sugars, pastries or sweets should be restricted and, nevertheless, she should ensure a sufficient supply of vegetables and fruits.

The food hygiene must be essential, as well as avoiding raw products such as sushi, sausages or pâtés, especially if the toxoplasmosis test was negative.

In addition, the gynecologist is likely to prescribe iodine and folic acid supplement important for the baby's development. Of course, you have to banish alcohol, tobacco and drugs in the day to day of the pregnant woman.

Advice for the pregnant woman in the first months

- It is advisable to practice moderate sports. Walking becomes a perfect activity, being ideal to walk 30 minutes a day. En - In these months it may still not be necessary to wear pregnant clothes, although it is convenient to wear loose clothing that does not oppress.

- Use

moisturizers is essential to avoid stretch marks on chest, abdomen and legs.