Day of Saint Mariano, January 27. Child names

Mariano is a name for a child of uncertain origin. It may be related to the name of Latin origin Mario, in which case its meaning would be in relation to the god of war Mars. But there is also someone who sees in the name Mariano a male derivative of Mary, in any case, it is a name with a long ideal

Mariano is a name for a child of uncertain origin. It may be related to the name of Latin origin Mario, in which case its meaning would be in relation to the god of war Mars. But there is also someone who sees in the name Mariano a male derivative of Mary, in any case, it is a name with a long ideal tradition for your child. He celebrates his name day on January 27, which is the day of San Mariano Abad.

Curiosities about the name Mariano

The name Mariano implies a reserved and introverted character. Mariano is a quiet child but with great intellectual concerns that are sometimes obscured by his great shyness. He has a special capacity for work and great stubbornness, so when they insist on something, in the end they end up getting it based on perseverance.

Mariano does not present variants in other languages, as it is a name used primarily in Spanish. Its equivalence with the name of child Mario, puts it also in relation to Marco and Marcelo. And for many people, the name of your child is the masculine version of the name Maria.

We find great personalities that bear the name of your child, although not all of them enjoy the same sympathy on the part of the public. Mariano Rajoy needs no introduction, and although he does not have much popularity, there is no doubt that it is a clear sign of perseverance and perseverance. Most beloved was the director and screenwriter Mariano Ozores, and also the Aragonese bandit Mariano Gavín Suñén, called El Cucaracha, known for being a kind of Robin Hood.

The name of your son also appears on some Marianas islands in the Pacific Ocean and in the Marian worship of the Virgin Mary. But if there is a character who carried the name Mariano very high, it was the fashion designer of the early twentieth century, Mariano Fortuny, whose creations in fashion, painting and photography can be seen in the Fortuny Museum in the city of Venice.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Collaborator of