How to make your child obey ... the first time!

If getting children to obey is a challenge most of the time, they do it the first time without having to repeat things , it is already a reward. And is that one of our main goals as parents is to get the children to listen to us. In this process, some parents lose their nerves, others despair, there

If getting children to obey is a challenge most of the time, they do it the first time without having to repeat things, it is already a reward. And is that one of our main goals as parents is to get the children to listen to us.

In this process, some parents lose their nerves, others despair, there are those who throw in the towel and others, we continue looking for a way to achieve it without dramas. Because, after all, even if we do not believe it, we have a lot to do with our children not obeying.

3 steps to get the children to obey the first

What happens when our children do not obey? We ask for something once, twice, and at the third, the screams arrive, the loss of patience, anger ... This is a scene that shows what usually happens:

- Carlitos, pick up your toys.

- Carlitoooooos, have you heard me? Toys!

- Carlos, how are you going to find out! I throw you all the toys! I tell you 3: 1, 2 ...

- This child is a messy, there is no one to make him see reason, one of these is going to find out - mutters the angry mother while Carlitos is still watching television.

In this scene the mother has made several mistakes, in the end I will tell you which is the main one, but before, I give you the 3 guidelines so that the children obey Dean and Holly, parents of 5 children, who through the pages and videos from The ParentHoodblog, they give interesting and useful advice on education.

1- Create a discipline tool: whether it's time out, stop playing with the brothers, do not take your favorite dessert, do not go to the movies on the weekend, reduce the television time per day ... Parents have to teach that before a bad choice, there will be a consequence. Prepa 2. Prepare the child

: so that you can know what a bad choice is, what we mean by bad behavior and what will happen if you have a bad behavior, it is important to hold a family meeting or have a family talk. Speaking and explaining what will happen when you make a bad decision is essential. Lleva 3. Take the consequence to the end:you do not need to shout, or give a scourge or get to that point of anger of no return. With peace and love, the child does not watch television, does not go to the movies with his friend or does not take his favorite dessert. "Because I love you, I have to take this to the end", is the best lesson we can give them.

But back to the previous scene, the mother made several mistakes, the main one: there was no educational consequence to the disobedience of the child. The mother shouted, threatened and protested but the child continued watching television quietly. Does it seem obvious truth? Well, it happens every day in our homes.