What toothpaste the child should use according to their age

Dental pastes are currently one of the main tools we have to fight tooth decay, however the great variety that exists in the market and the different ways of use are to Sometimes cause of doubt in the parents. Many times we do not know what we should look for when buying a paste for our children or

Dental pastes are currently one of the main tools we have to fight tooth decay, however the great variety that exists in the market and the different ways of use are to Sometimes cause of doubt in the parents.

Many times we do not know what we should look for when buying a paste for our children or what the composition marked on the package means. In Guiainfantil.com we tell you what toothpastes are best suited for children's teeth.

Ideal toothpastes for children

First, we must differentiate between fluorinated and non-fluorinated pastes. The first ones will always mark the amount of fluorine ion they possess and reflect them in parts per million (PPM). This element is indispensable in an optimal toothpaste if we want to prevent caries, and can be accompanied by other components such as xylitol, which will provide a pleasant taste, calcium or triclosan that act to protect the teeth.

The amount of fluoride that the pastes must carry varies according to the age and the need of contribution of each child, since a high intake of this element can cause the formation of the adult teeth, which at that moment is taking place not be the right one

- The first year of the baby's lifeit is enough to clean the teeth with a wet gauze or with a brush in the shape of a thimble without toothpaste. When the milk molars begin to come out and the baby's diet begins to be more varied we must introduce the toothpaste in order to provide topical fluid to the dentition.

- Children from 1 to 3 years: the toothpaste should have less than 1000ppm of fluoride ion and the quantity should be the size of a grain of rice.

- Children from 3 years of age: the amount of fluoride increases between 1000 and 1450ppm and the amount that we must apply should not be greater than the size of a pea

- Children 6 years of age and older: the toothpaste will always have a quantity of 1450 ppm of fluorine and the amount will be the size of a pea. In children with high risk of caries, you can administer pastes with up to 5000ppm of fluoride but always prescribed by your pediatric dentist.

We currently have a wide variety of flavors and formats, finding pasta with fun packaging and fashion drawings. A nice taste and a container with your favorite character will motivate the little ones to get into tooth brushing and it will be easier for us to get good results.