Feng Shui rules in baby rooms

Simplifying a lot we can say that Feng Shui is a very old Chinese science that studies how the distribution of spaces and the shapes that surround us influence our existence. The harmony of these elements favors the flow of energy and we feel good about ourselves . This oriental science is very curr

Simplifying a lot we can say that Feng Shui is a very old Chinese science that studies how the distribution of spaces and the shapes that surround us influence our existence. The harmony of these elements favors the flow of energy and we feel good about ourselves. This oriental science is very current in the West so we are going to give you some simple indications that you can take into account when decorating the rooms for babies.

How to apply Feng Shui to the baby's room

Color: the baby's bedroom should provide safety, comfort, warmth and be very welcoming. For this the colors you choose for the walls should be neutral colors. For the walls and furniture, the most suitable colors are broken white, white thread, linen color, light beige or very light stone tones. Bright colors can be very attractive but Feng Shui considers them too stimulating for the baby.

Lighting and ventilation: the lighting should be balanced and warm, neither too dim nor too bright. It is essential that the room receives natural light. The use of curtains or blinds are perfect to regulate the intensity of light in the room, according to the needs of the moment. The room should always be well ventilated, at a comfortable temperature, neither too hot nor cold. You should also try to keep it clean and tidy so that the air circulates well. Disorder is against the principles of Feng Shui.

Materials and fabrics: the ideal material for furniture is wood because it influences the movement of Chi (energy). The finishes must be natural avoiding synthetic agglomerates and varnishes. You should choose simple furniture and that facilitate cleaning. Natural fibers are also suitable for decorating, for example for a wall socket or for carpets. Carpets made of natural materials are advisable on the side of the crib or bed and at the foot of a nursing chair, for example. You must run away from carpets because they retain large dirt and mites. For bedding or cribs choose natural fibers. Cotton is always the most advisable.

Distribution: during the first months a baby cot or bassinet is advisable so that the baby does not feel lost. The crib or bed should be away from the door and should never be placed under a window. Ideally, place them on a wall that is located in front of the door so that the child can see you when you enter the room. That will make you feel protected and loved. You should avoid placing the baby's feet towards the door. When breastfeeding or feeding your baby is very advisable to use a nursing chair because for Feng Shui breastfeeding the baby in your room is ideal because it will be very quiet.

Decoration: for Feng Shui, 'less is more', so do not fill the child's room with toys, stuffed animals and ornaments as they detract energy from the child. Do not put dolls inside the cradle, the child's head must be 'clear'. As the child grows older, adapt the decoration to his age as those objects too childish for him symbolically stop their growth.