How to introduce baby food into chunks

The age at which chunky food is introduced is a controversial issue. In general, pediatricians recommend the introduction of solid food in pieces between 7 and 9 months of age, since promotes chewing and with it the development of speech, but always depending on the child and their abilities. It's n

The age at which chunky food is introduced is a controversial issue. In general, pediatricians recommend the introduction of solid food in pieces between 7 and 9 months of age, since promotes chewing and with it the development of speech, but always depending on the child and their abilities.

It's normal for bebés babies to like to try new flavors and textures pero, but some of them like it very soon and others need more time. About 9 months babies develop fine motor skills, which will be able to take small pieces of food and take them to the mouth. How to stimulate the baby to eat food in piecesBy offering food in pieces and encourage them to make the clamp (grab the pieces with the index finger and thumb) we will be stimulating their psychomotricity. Also by encouraging him to eat with his fingers we will be helping the child to be independent. In addition, he will regulate himself the amount he eats and by recognizing these signs of satiety he will be able to respond to them adequately, which could diminish the cases of obesity in the future.

The ideal food to offer the baby in pieces is one that melts well in the mouth, is soft, and has a lower risk of choking, for example


-Gates and puff pastries (sweet or salty, taking care of excess salt and of sugar)​​-Fruit and cooked vegetables (that can be crushed with the fork)

-Fresh cheese, ripe banana and cooked pasta that can be crushed with the gums

-Clean well cooked

Still the food should be cut into small pieces. The chicken, for example, should be split into pieces so small that the gums and tongue of a baby can crush it.

It is essential that the child is watched at all times while eating.

We should also avoid putting food that you can choke on, por for example:

-Rough vegetables or hard fruit -Pasters, whole grapes or cherry tomatoes-Full sausages (they should be peeled and cut into small pieces)

-Pan white (large pieces of crumb are dangerous)

-Tough cheese slices

-Dried fruits (due to their risk of choking and because of their allergenic potential it is recommended to delay the introduction of nuts until 3 years old)

We must try also avoid giving candy or cakes. The child needs to eat nutritious foods, but not so much fat or sugar. Chocolate, for example, can also cause allergy if it is introduced at an early age (before 2 years).

If the child does not like a meal, do not insist on it at the time, you can offer it again after a while. Sometimes children reject certain flavors and textures, but then accept them after a while.