Dictionary of doubts for pregnant women. Letter V

It is normal that during pregnancy there are doubts related to the well-being of the baby, the development of pregnancy or life habits. So that you can solve all the questions that you are asking yourself, in Guiainfantil.com we have developed a dictionary of terms related to pregnancy. Here you can

It is normal that during pregnancy there are doubts related to the well-being of the baby, the development of pregnancy or life habits. So that you can solve all the questions that you are asking yourself, in Guiainfantil.com we have developed a dictionary of terms related to pregnancy. Here you can find answers to all the words that start with the letter V.

Letter V. Dictionary of pregnancy

Varicose veins

Varicose veins appear on the legs as small blue or purple spiders. They usually appear in pregnancy in women who have never had or appear larger in those who already had. Women with a family history are more likely to suffer. To prevent them, you should walk regularly and rest with your legs raised.

Vernix caseosa

It is a white substance that covers the baby's skin at birth. It is also called sebaceous. It is composed mainly of water, although it also has fat and proteins. It begins to form in week 20 of pregnancy and its function is to protect the delicate and thin skin of the baby.


Changes in hormone levels can cause vomiting and nausea in pregnant women. It is very common for these episodes to be more frequent in the first trimester. Despite the inconvenience, they are not serious and can be combated by eating a small amount of food quite often.

Pregnancy Dictionary

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • Z

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