Line alba in pregnancy, what is it?

If you are pregnant observe your belly, it is possible that a dark line has emerged in it and it runs from the pubis to the navel, even sometimes, even higher. Her name is linea alba and, although you have never seen her before, she was already there before your gut began to grow. It is also known a

If you are pregnant observe your belly, it is possible that a dark line has emerged in it and it runs from the pubis to the navel, even sometimes, even higher. Her name is linea alba and, although you have never seen her before, she was already there before your gut began to grow.

It is also known as black line or nigra and in some cases it is accompanied by hair growth in the area. It is more visible in pregnant women with dark skin.

Why there is a dark line in the belly during pregnancy

The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy are responsible, among other things, that there are variations in melanin, that substance responsible for pigmenting the skin. Therefore, both estrogen and progesterone are responsible. You will also appreciate that the nipples have acquired a darker tone.

The linea alba usually appreciates, especially after the fifth month of gestation and usually disappears after delivery, when the belly is gradually returning to its being. Hair is also disappearing, although this process can last up to 9 months or even a year.

However, in women who have already had more than one pregnancy, the line can be shown before, during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Nothing can be done or done to make the alba line disappear, it is not convenient to use whitening creams otro or another chemical product. You just have to wait until the hormone levels are the same as before the pregnancy. It is advisable to protect your belly with sunscreen in case of sun exposure to prevent it from darkening even more