Easy math puzzles for children

The puzzles and puzzles help the child stimulate his logical thinking and reasoning. In Guiainfantil.com we have selected a series of easy mathematical games for your children to learn while playing. Easy math puzzles and numbers so children can solve and apply all their deductive and reasoning abil

The puzzles and puzzles help the child stimulate his logical thinking and reasoning. In Guiainfantil.com we have selected a series of easy mathematical games for your children to learn while playing.

Easy math puzzles and numbers so children can solve and apply all their deductive and reasoning abilities. They are very funny.

Mathematics puzzles for children

1. What is the number that is worth less if you put it backwards?

2. In a tree there are 3 birds, a hunter shoots at them and kills 1, how many are left?

3. How can a mother divide three potatoes among her four children?

4. What number is worth 0 if you take away half.

5. Two parents and two children enter a subway station. They buy only 3 tickets and they pass without problem, how did they do it?

6. What number has the same number of letters as the value it expresses.

7. What weighs more a kilo of iron or a kilo of straw?

8. A farmer has 3 piles of straw in the field and 2 piles of straw in the hayloft, if you put them all together, how many piles does he have?


If you have already thought enough or think you know the answer, look here for the solutions, did you guess?

1. The 9.

2. None, the rest flew away frightened by the shot.

3. Making a puree.

4. The 8.

5. The grandfather, father and son, in total two parents and two children, enter the subway.

6. The 5, because it has 5 letters.

7. They weigh the same: 1 kg

8. I would have a lot.