What is the Baby led weaning?

The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends that during the first 6 months of life the food the baby receives is exclusively breastfeeding. From there, it is recommended to continue with it along with the introduction of new foods, always remembering that they are foods to complement breastfeedin

The WHO (World Health Organization)recommends that during the first 6 months of life the food the baby receives is exclusively breastfeeding. From there, it is recommended to continue with it along with the introduction of new foods, always remembering that they are foods to complement breastfeeding, up to 2 years of life.

How to introduce solid foods into the baby's diet

Classically, foods such as fruits, vegetables, pureed forms and porridges have been introduced ... The first ingredient that is usually introduced into the diet of babies after breast milk are cereals . But now there is a different way of introducing solid foods, which has nothing to do with the bottle, or purees or porridges. This new method is called Baby Led Wearing (BLW).

What is the Baby Led Weaning

In general, it consists in introducing the food instead of traditionally, in suitable pieces so that the baby can hold it comfortably and put it in the mouth to taste it and swallow it ... pieces at the beginning are large and elongated so that the baby can catch them with all his little hand and still protrude a bit from the fist, so that he can eat it easily.

This method defends that only when the baby is ready to take the food and bring it to his mouth, is prepared for the introduction of other foods other than breast milk.

The baby led weaning compared to the traditional method

As advantages of this new method to introduce complementary foods in the baby's diet, is that it allows the baby to differentiate the different flavors of the food, in contrast to puree in which They mix different ingredients. Also, you will not have to distract the baby from the purees.

The baby interacts more with the family dynamics if he can sit at the table, in his highchair, with his bowl of food to go holding it.

However, the led baby led weaning also has some disadvantages. Among them: Los - Babies get dirty more

than eating puree since they are the ones who take food with their hands. A - Parents are uneasy about the possibility of choking, to prevent it, always eliminate small pieces of food, such as olives, for example, and not leave the baby unattended while eating.