Day of Saint Elvira, January 25. Names for a girl

Elvira is a name for a girl of Germanic origin that means 'the noble protector', a name with a huge load of loyalty that will be perfect for your little girl. Although it is not one of the most frequent names, its use remains stable and with the passing of the years it is increasingly appreciated. H

Elvira is a name for a girl of Germanic origin that means 'the noble protector', a name with a huge load of loyalty that will be perfect for your little girl.

Although it is not one of the most frequent names, its use remains stable and with the passing of the years it is increasingly appreciated. He celebrates his name day on January 25, which is the day of Saint Elvira.

Curiosities about the name Elvira

The name Elvira is synonymous with a charismatic and overwhelming personality. She carries her sense of protection implicit in the meaning of her name, which often makes her the undisputed leader of her group of friends and the soul of the family. In addition, Elvira is intelligent and restless and always finds solutions to conflicts that may arise.

Elvira is a name that is used throughout the world with hardly any variations and its use has a marked medieval flavor. Thus, Elvira was the name of queens and infantas during the Middle Ages, as a reminder of the Visigoth influence. And Elvira was also the fictitious name of one of the daughters of El Cid in the famous poem that sings the hero's exploits.

But the name of your son not only transmits an image of medieval knights, tunics and veils, it also transmits all the sensuality and romanticism that we find in Mozart's opera 'Don Giovanni' or in the play 'Don Juan' by Moliére , two works that have contributed greatly to the popularization and acceptance of the name Elvira.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Editor of