What children learn when they are 7 years old

As the child progresses in school, each day becomes a new adventure and a time of discovery. This period of childhood the child begins to learn the skills necessary to become a self-sufficient person. Each child has its own personality that influences each stage of learning and development. Physical

As the child progresses in school, each day becomes a new adventure and a time of discovery. This period of childhood the child begins to learn the skills necessary to become a self-sufficient person. Each child has its own personality that influences each stage of learning and development.

Physically, a stage of growth also begins, they begin to grow and gain muscular strength, coordination and the increase of resistance are key at this stage. But in addition to all this, 7-year-olds learn many things in this special year.

11 things that 7-year-olds learn

1. They begin to share their knowledge with others, have a longer capacity for concentration and are able to understand detailed instructions.

2. They are curious and frequently ask adults and peers questions to satisfy their need to know. They use increasingly complex and creative strategies to solve problems at home and at school.

3. Language skills at seven years reflect the growing impact of language and literacy.

4. They improve greatly in reading (speed, precision and expression) and in writing (independence) and enjoy everything that has to do with words, language interaction, literacy and learning. They enjoy reading and writing.

5. They increase the skills of numerical sense and estimation. They can do simple addition and subtraction and can apply necessary strategies to solve related problems.

6. Children who are more physically active have more motor development than those who are more sedentary.

7. They like to have friends but also enjoy independent play. They understand the rules games and like to play them respecting the teammates in the game.

8. They are able to understand the actions and feelings of others.

9. The creative arts are a protagonist at this age: art, music, dance or theater are activities that they like thanks to the personal experiences that are created around these activities. Será 10. Will be able to follow instructions of different steps without much insistence of the adult, they begin to show more autonomy in this aspect.

11. In addition to asking questions you will also be able to answer direct questions such as: where, when, with whom, why, etc.

7-year-old children are undoubtedly at a beautiful age, it is an ideal time for

parents to encourage them to do homework and assume greater responsibilities , it is also necessary to encourage them to read so that they are able to feel this activity as something pleasant.