Dictionary for pregnant women with the letter E

Are you pregnant and have hundreds of questions about pregnancy? To help you in this special moment, in Guiainfantil.com we have developed a dictionary of terms about pregnancy. Here you can consult all your doubts about pregnancy terms that begin with the letter E. You will find all the information

Are you pregnant and have hundreds of questions about pregnancy? To help you in this special moment, in Guiainfantil.com we have developed a dictionary of terms about pregnancy.

Here you can consult all your doubts about pregnancy terms that begin with the letter E. You will find all the information you need to solve your doubts.

Letter E. Dictionary of doubts of pregnancy


Risk situation for the pregnant woman and the baby caused by marked hypertension. Eclampsia is the most dangerous phase of preeclampsia. Presents a clinical picture of seizures and coma that can lead to the death of the mother. It occurs in the first 24 hours from the start of labor.


Gynecological tests that show the development of the fetus during pregnancy. There are simple ecofraphs that are made by ultrasound and ultrasound in 3d and 4d whose definition is higher. These ultrasounds allow to see even the appearance of the future baby, since they use the three-dimensional image.

Kegel exercises

Vaginal contraction exercises for pregnant women. The goal is to strengthen the pelvic muscles. It is based on contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscle repeatedly. The ultimate goal is to avoid future urinary incontinence.

Risk pregnancy

Risk pregnancy is one whose evolution and characteristics increase the risks for the mother and the baby. High-risk pregnancies are those of older mothers, pregnant women with pre-eclampsia, the threat of premature birth or multiple pregnancy, among others.

Ectopic pregnancy

Extopic pregnancy occurs when the ovum implants outside the uterus. It is also known as an extrauterine pregnancy. The ovule, instead of implanting in the uterus, is implanted in the fallopian tube. It is an unviable pregnancy and should be interrupted.

Multiple pregnancy

It is the pregnancy of two or more embryos, due to the fertilization of an egg by two or more epermatozoa or the fertilization of two or more ovules at the same time by different sperm. It is a risky pregnancy controlled in a special way from the beginning.

Prolonged pregnancy

Delayed pregnancy is one that lasts beyond week 42. At that time, the fetus is full term, but not always willing to leave. From that moment, pregnancy must be controlled, since the quality of the placenta begins to decrease and can be a risk factor for the baby. In addition, the baby can grow too much, which means a future risk during childbirth.

Late pregnancy

Late pregnancy is referred to as pregnancy for mothers over 35 years of age. It is, according to medical terms, pregnant 'old'. From this age, the risks during pregnancy increase, both for the mother and the baby. These are considered risk pregnancies and greater control is exercised over them.


The first stage of development of the fetus is called embryo, since the ovum is implanted in the uterus until the fetus develops. Approximately are the first 8 weeks of pregnancy.


Endometriosis is one of the causes of female infertility. It is produced by the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus (in the ovaries, intestines, bladder ...). This benign disease affects the possibility of getting pregnant. Among its main symptoms are the painful and abundant rules.


They are pains in the woman's belly that occur after childbirth. They are actually contraction pains needed to help the uterus regain its natural shape prior to pregnancy. They also serve to contract the blood vessels that were open in place of the placenta. They do not usually last more than a week.


Anesthesia applied only in the lower part of the body, from the waist down, with the purpose of mitigating the pains of the contractions and the expulsion of the childbirth. It is applied by a specialized anesthetist through a lumbar puncture. To do this, use a very long and thick needle that infiltrates an area of ​​the spine. In the open space, a catheter is inserted to administer and control the anesthesia throughout the delivery.


This is a surgical incision that is made at the time of the expulsive in the perineal area of ​​the pregnant woman to increase the opening and facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal. The objective of this surgical practice is to avoid tears in the perineum of the woman. Episiotomy is performed in 80% of the first births.


Male cells responsible for fertilizing the female ovule and participate in this way in the creation of a new life. The fusion of sperm and ovum will give rise to a zygote that will become an embryo and later a fetus. Nine months later, the woman will give birth to a baby. The sperm carries a load of DNA in 23 chromosomes, which together with the 23 chromosomes of the egg, will give rise to the 46 that will form the new life.

Bifida Spine

Spina bifida is caused by a lack of closure of the bony canal of the baby's spine. This deficit occurs in the first 26 days of gestation. produces malformations such as hydrocephalus, paralysis of the extremities, hip luzación, malformation in the feet ...


While infertility refers to the difficulties in achieving pregnancy, sterility is the impossibility of getting a pregnancy. It can be male or female sterility. In the case of women, it can be due to the absence of ovules or hereditary or infectious diseases. In the case of men, due to the absence of sperm or infectious diseases that affected their reproductive capacity.


One of the annoyances of pregnant women, especially in the final phase of pregnancy, is constipation or difficulty defecating. Constipation causes irritation and nervousness. Constipation is considered when the pregnant woman is unable to evacuate for more than two days in a row. Among the main causes, the new position of the intestine and the pressure that the uterus exerts on it.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks are whitish or bruised marks or lines that appear on the skin. They look like scars. They are produced by a change in weight. That is why it is very normal for them to appear in pregnant women and after childbirth, when the skin seems to 'shrink' to return to its previous dimensions. They are visible especially on chest, belly, buttocks or thighs.


Female sex hormones mainly, which occur in the ovaries. During pregnancy, the placenta also produces estrogen. This hormone affects the sexual appetite, the endometrium, the development of the breasts and the ovaries themselves. It plays an important role in the sexual development and reproductive system of women.


Phase of delivery that defines the birth of the baby. It comes after the longest phase of labor, dilation. When the cervix has already reached 10 centimeters in diameter, the baby can exit through the birth canal. Usually introduce the head first, looking down. Once the head and shoulders are removed, the body passes without complications. That's where the expulsion phase ends. In some women it lasts only a few minutes. In others, it can be prolonged for at least one hour.


Vaginal exudate or vagino-rectal is one of the most common gynecological tests among women. It serves to rule out possible vaginal infections. During pregnancy, it is carried out in weeks 35 or 36. It consists in taking a sample with a swab and the subsequent analysis in a laboratory, which will determine the absence of bacteria in the vaginal flora (such as streptococci), since these could be dangerous for the baby at the time of delivery.

Pregnancy Dictionary

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
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