What it means for a child to dream of giants

Being afraid of the giants is intrinsic to the human being. No one has seen one, but movies, fables and stories put this fantastic species as one of the most terrifying of all time. Therefore, it is not surprising that many children of all types and conditions fear the appearance, either in reality

Being afraid of the giants is intrinsic to the human being. No one has seen one, but movies, fables and stories put this fantastic species as one of the most terrifying of all time. Therefore, it is not surprising that many children of all types and conditions fear the appearance, either in reality or in their dreams, of these images.

Dreaming of giants is something that is most normal in young children, because feeling afraid of this type of legends at any given time happens to everyone. But what exactly does it mean that our son dreams of a giant? Dreaming of giants, fear of authority and reproachFor a child,

respecting authority

is not usually an easy task at any given time, but the task of parents to understand what they should do is what they do that people take responsibility However, there is a problem when the authority is excessive and the child perceives domestic orders as commands that can make him fear or reject the subsequent reproach. When a child dreams of a giant, this dream resource

usually refers precisely to the authority that parents exercise over him as a child in a way that he does not perceive as good. In his dreams with giants , what is reflected is that he may be afraid or animosity to carry out orders or tasks when they are excessive. The fact that the giant in question reveals the form of the parents means that the child lives a psychological conflict when he feels inside that his parents are too authoritarian, and he fears the reproaches that may come after not doing well his acts .Defeating a giant in dreams, the triumph of the home

However, this does not always have the same meanings that pertain to


and fear of the father's reproach but can also symbolize the child's desire to overcome a conflict in your family, that you want to eradicate. The fact that the child gets to beat the giant

can mean that, indeed, there is something inside the place where he lives that does not make him feel comfortable, and getting eradicated will make him feel better. The background of happiness comes when the child manages to kill the giant, or allies with him to safeguard the triumph of his home. If the child manages to shelve the giant or become his friend, it means that little by little he ends up with matters that inside him did not let him continue as well as he wanted, and finally he achieves it in this dream. Marta Marciel.

Editor of Guiainfantil.com