Most popular names for children in 2015 in Chile

It is not always easy to choose the baby's name. Parents are torn between following the family tradition or following the tendencies in names and the secret lies in combining both possibilities. So at least the Chilean families will do for this 2015. In Chile they look for names for children that ar

It is not always easy to choose the baby's name. Parents are torn between following the family tradition or following the tendencies in names and the secret lies in combining both possibilities. So at least the Chilean families will do for this 2015.

In Chile they look for names for children that are not extravagant, traditional names but with a totally renewed touch. If you like the names of always, choose among some of the most popular names for children in Chile for 2015.

Most popular names for children in Chile for 2015

1. Agustín. It is a name of Latin origin meaning 'consecrated to the augurs'. Actually it is a variant of Augustus that is gaining popularity for that distinguished touch he has.

2. Luis Alberto. This compound name is of Germanic origin. Luis has a meaning of 'illustrious warrior', while Alberto means el 'the one who stands out for his nobility' . Together they form one of the most elegant combinations in names for children.3. Vicente.

The name has a Latin origin and means 'the winner' . Despite being a name with a long tradition, it has a special charisma that keeps it topical at all times.4. Matías.

It is a name of Hebrew origin meaning 'gift of God' . Known thanks to the biblical stories, the name does not lose strength maintaining at all times an original and fresh touch.5. Martín.

This name is of Latin origin its meaning is related to 'war' since it comes from the Roman god Mars. It is one of the most fashionable names both in Chile and in other countries around it because of the energy it transmits. 6. Alonso.

The name has a Germanic origin and a meaning of 'prepared for combat' . With a clear medieval flavor, Alonso is presented as one of those revitalized names full of distinction and originality.7. Juan Carlos.

The Hebrew origin of John is joined by the Germanic origin of Carlos, which means 'strong man' . It is one of the most popular compound names and has a great personality, so it never goes out of style.8. Cristian Andrés.

In this compound name the Latin origin of Cristian is united with the Greek origin of Andrés, which means 'brave man' , It is an original name with a great personality.9. Joaquín.

It is a name of Hebrew origin meaning 'God will build' . It belongs to the biblical tradition and its charm remains unchanged outside of fashions and trends.10. Tomás.

This name has an Aramaic origin and means 'the twin' . Despite being one of the most classic names, is able to stay topical by the personality he has.Laura Vélez

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