Day of Saint Gregory, May 9. Names for children

Gregory is a name for a child of Greek origin that means "the watchman". It is a name of a great tradition, so it can be perfect for your child. Although it is not a frequent name at present, Gregorio's appeal is still valid due to his familiarity and the nobility he bestows. Celebrate your name day

Gregory is a name for a child of Greek origin that means "the watchman". It is a name of a great tradition, so it can be perfect for your child.

Although it is not a frequent name at present, Gregorio's appeal is still valid due to his familiarity and the nobility he bestows. Celebrate your name day on May 9, which is the day of San Gregorio.

Curiosities about the name Gregorio

By the meaning of his name, Gregorio has a charismatic personality that makes him worthy of the admiration of others. His tenacity and generosity are his main characteristics, besides having great intellectual gifts. Gregorio is also an empathetic person who knows how to anticipate the needs of others and for whom the family is the most important.

The name Gregorio is known in all languages ​​with some variants. Although in the Hispanic field is not a widely used name, the same is not true in the Anglo-Saxon world, where Gregory is quite frequent, as well as in the Slavic countries, where we find the Grigori variant.

The name of your son has been taken throughout the history by several Saints and several popes, but it is also well known thanks to the Spanish doctor and writer Gregorio Marañón, an authentic humanist who left us his scientific and philosophical thought in a multitude of essays and articles.

American actor Gregory Peck also contributed to the popularity of the name of your son, with such unforgettable films as "Days of glory" or "Holidays in Rome". And as a curiosity, we can remember the mythical key figure in the Russian Revolution, Grigori Rasputin.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of May, consult our calendar of the names of May Saints. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez. Collaborator of