The spider. Quechua legend for children

Whoever is not capable of thanking and taking advantage of everything he has, is in danger of losing it. This is a very old legend, of the Quechua culture, which teaches children the need to take care of inner beauty and enhance values ​​such as empathy and kindness. And also why it is so important

Whoever is not capable of thanking and taking advantage of everything he has, is in danger of losing it. This is a very old legend, of the Quechua culture, which teaches children the need to take care of inner beauty and enhance values ​​such as empathy and kindness. And also why it is so important to be grateful.

Discover with your son this story of Uru, a beautiful girl who squandered all the gifts she had and all the education that was offered and received a warning. We tell you what happened to 'the spider', a Latin American legend for children.

The spider, a Quechua legend with values ​​for children

There was once a princess named Uru. She was a very beautiful girl and was also the heir to the throne of the Inca empire. Her father adored her, and she wished that her daughter, when she reached the throne, would become a good and just queen. For this, she focused a lot on her daughter's education, and searched everywhere for the best teachers in all subjects. Sin But nevertheless, Uru did not like studying, nor did she understand her father's desire to make her a smart and good girl.

He preferred to waste his time, play, and dedicate himself to improving his physical appearance and beauty. Also, I had a very bad temper, and I lost my nerves easily. He liked to order and everyone liked his wishes. And if he did not get what he wanted at the time, he would go into a rage. As he grew older, he was more of a despot to everyone.

And the day came when Uru's father died and she ascended the throne. And it is true that at first the girl allowed herself to be advised, but little by little she began to abandon her obligations as queen.

It bored him so much having to make so many decisions. He preferred to dedicate himself. So he made the decision and told all his advisors: - Listen to me well: I am already tired of so many obligations. It is very boring. I want to discover other places, wear my clothes, and go to many parties. I want to have fun, so I will not make more decisions about the empire: let someone else do it! Even though the real counselor tried to persuade her, she was still firm in her decisions.

- Do not be insolent! I do not want to work anymore and I'm leaving. Do not try to stop me.

She was so angry, that she decided to whip all those present there with her belt

for being insolent. He took off his belt and picked it up to hit the royal adviser. But then something extraordinary happened: the queen could not lower her arm. It had been petrified like a statue!

And that was not all: while Uru tried to move unsuccessfully, una a goddess covered in a golden mantle appeared suspended in the air . And he said loudly, addressing the queen:

- You are undoubtedly tremendously selfish and petty. You could direct your kingdom with wisdom, justice and kindness, and instead you prefer to frighten and humiliate your subjects.So you do not deserve what they gave you. From now on you will no longer have beauty and you will not be queen. In addition, you will have to work tirelessly.

And after saying these words, a cloud enveloped the queen and when the smoke dissipated, an ugly and hairy spider appeared in its place. Scared, Uru ran out in search of shelter, away from possible stomping. Already in a corner, he devoted himself to weaving spider web without rest.

Questions to know if your child understood the legend Help your child reflect on the text he has just heard. The legend of the spider speaks to us of many essential values,

but above all, of the need to dedicate ourselves to work inside ourselves. You can use these questions to check if your child understood the story:

- What was Uru like? Describe it on the outside and also your way of being. - What happened when the queen tried to hit her subjects? - What should the queen have done to take advantage of the education she received as a child?