The most common doubts parents have about brushing children's teeth

Something as simple as brushing teeth can be a totally unknown world for parents who consider brushing their children's teeth for the first time . And it is that nobody teaches them of correct way how they must do it; Even if you stop to think for a moment, sometimes, even when we are adults we know

Something as simple as brushing teeth can be a totally unknown world for parents who consider brushing their children's teeth for the first time . And it is that nobody teaches them of correct way how they must do it; Even if you stop to think for a moment, sometimes, even when we are adults we know if the brushing we are doing is the right one. Buying the first toothpaste can also be quite an adventure, so with this post my mission is to inform you of the changes that have occurred regarding toothpaste, and always backed by the

current scientific evidence . I solve

the most common doubts parents have about brushing children's teeth How children should use toothpaste

It is normal for doubts to assail us when our baby's first tooth appears. Should I brush it? What kind of pasta should I use? What if I do not know how to spit? ... Below you can find the answers to the most common doubts parents have about tooth brushing.

What type of toothpaste should we use? There is high scientific evidence, specifically grade A (extremely recommendable, good, effective evidence and the benefits far outweigh the prejudices, in case you have doubts as to what it refers to) of using toothpastes with a

fluoride concentration

of 1000 ppmF (parts per million of fluorine) regardless of age if we want to prevent cavities. In countries where the concentration level of 1000ppmF is widely accepted, no pasta is sold below this concentration of fluoride, regardless of whether the pasta tube is 0-3 years old, 4-6 years old, as its objective is not to confuse the population while helping to promote proper dental health. In Spain however, we have to look at the composition of the pasta we buy because the name or age range

with which they are sold does not carry a sufficient amount of fluoride recommended, we refer to the pasta sold under the name of children or for children under 3 years of age. It is for this reason that pastas of 1000 ppmF are found under the name of Junior or pastas greater than 6 years. When to start using toothpaste and how much? Before, the indication was to brush without toothpaste si dental if the child did not know how to spit, because of the risk of ingesting some toothpaste. Now, fluoride toothpaste of 1000 ppmF should be used since the eruption of the first tooth, and therefore, also dear parents you must have a dental toothbrush to be able to place it. So it's time to discard the silicone thimbles and gauze soaked in water that you used until now to clean your baby's mouth. This recommendation is supported by such important scientific societies as the British NHS or the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and supported by recent studies investigating protective factors for the prevention of childhood caries.

In babies who do not know how to spit, you have to put a ras scraped amount of paste

on the brush, at 2 years we can increase it to the size of a grain of rice and already in older than 3 years, the amount is one pea This last amount should not be increased regardless of whether we have 6, 20, 40 or 70 years. What must be increased progressively is the concentration of fluoride from 5 or 6 years depending on the risk of caries. Therefore, it will be the Pediatric Dentist who best guides you from the beginning in everything related to the oral hygiene of your child. What if my son does not know how to spit and swallow the pasta?

Well, the most recent studies on the subject show that with these amounts the risk of fluorosis is very slight, almost non-existent. However, where there is a problem is in the high prevalence of caries in children under 3 years. Seeing cases of moderate / severe fluorosis is very rare and usually occurs in people who live and have chronically drunk water supply with high fluoride concentration. Also do not forget, that toothpaste with fluoride is considered a product of topical useand that is fixed to the teeth thanks to the calcium that exists in the enamel.

I end with a last

advice for children and adults, you have to spit but it is important not to rinse the toothpaste with water after brushing. The reason is that the water removes the protective layer of fluoride that the toothpaste leaves behind after brushing teeth. That film guarantees us an additional protection against cavities. Therefore, if you are very thirsty, drink water before brushing your teeth to maintain the anticaries effect of fluoride for a longer time.