When the student falls in love with the teacher

Is it normal for the student to fall in love with the teacher? What do I have to do about it? Surely at one time or another this has happened to us with one of our children: they see their teacher at school and their faces light up. They only talk about her or him, about how good or good she is, the

Is it normal for the student to fall in love with the teacher? What do I have to do about it? Surely at one time or another this has happened to us with one of our children: they see their teacher at school and their faces light up. They only talk about her or him, about how good or good she is, they make drawings and all kinds of gifts.

What to do if the student falls in love with the teacher

That the children admire their teachers is normal, as well as that they "fall in love" with them, although that infatuation is not like that of the adult, does not have the same connotations, ( therefore adults should not give them either).

In pre-school education, (between 3 and 6 years old), teachers are like their parents but at school. They care for and pamper them, they praise them when they do something well, they motivate and reward them, and the children enjoy this approval and the attention they give them. It is not uncommon then that they are attracted to them, that they make drawings, that they demand their attention or that they talk about them continuously.

But this attraction or this infatuation, is a naive feeling, without the sexual component that it has for adults. The same can fall in love with their teacher or teacher that of an adult with whom they have a relationship, (a relative or a friend of the parents) even their parents, which is something that is normal at certain stages of development.

This feeling is characterized mainly by admiration and respect for the adult and we can take it with a trait of emotional health in children and with a good development of affectivity in them.

Throughout Primary Education, the same thing can happen to the child, show admiration or attraction for a certain teacher, but neither would it have the connotations of falling in love for adults, it is something more platonic. They tend to be attracted to adults who pay attention to them and value them or who have certain virtues and qualities that they value, (sincerity, intelligence, joy, etc ...)

What should parents do if our child falls in love with the teacher?

It is important that, in the first place, we do not get alarmed. This feeling in young children is normal and lacks the sexual charge or the connotations that adults can give to a "falling in love", it is something platonic and therefore innocent. On the other hand, we should not relativize these feelings in children,

neither make fun of them nor take away their importance, much less scold them . Children in these ages need our approval and they need to know that they do things well, if we laugh at what they feel or disregard, we close the door to let them tell us more about what they feel or how they feel.Neither should it be something that we tell other adults, and less in front of the child, we could make him feel embarrassed and care for other people is not something to be ashamed of.

On the other hand, if we scold them for "feeling" something towards their teacher, they can identify emotions as something negative, that must be hidden because "it's not right" and we can create in them a feeling of guilt, and insecurity towards what they feel.

We can

let them see that it is normal for them to love their teacher, because they behave well with them, care for them and teach them things, and that is why they feel something special. We can convey to them that they can correspond to teachers behaving well in class and respecting them, and that this is the best way to show affection towards them. In this way we also teach them that we must take care and treat others well. Should we tell the teacher what the student feels for him?

Surely your teacher or teacher already know, and it will be something that even funny and it seems nice. Like parents, teachers should not give it more importance than it has and should not "repress" those feelings in children.

In principle, it is not usually a problem for children to "fall in love" with their teachers, but we must teach them to respect each other and adequately demonstrate their affection towards each other. If we see that the child becomes "obsessed" with the adult, (it usually does not happen) then we would have to talk to our son and explain that what he feels is very nice, but that he must also focus on children of his age, and show affection and love towards other people.