Children's questions about the persecutions or the shower of stars

If there is something that fascinates children in nature, that is all that has to do with heaven. Why are there stars? Are they big or small? Why can not I touch them? But more specifically: what are the perseides, and the star shower ? When are they produced in order to enjoy them? There are many q

If there is something that fascinates children in nature, that is all that has to do with heaven. Why are there stars? Are they big or small? Why can not I touch them? But more specifically: what are the perseides, and the star shower? When are they produced in order to enjoy them? There are many questions children ask about the universe when there is a special night where the persecuted are the protagonists. tells us the most typical questions about this matter.

5 children's questions about the rain of stars

1.What are the perseides?

To explain to children the concept of the stars, it is necessary to tell them that it is another way of naming the Tears of San Lorenzo. It is the most important rain of stars of the year, which takes place from the beginning of August until its apogee in the middle of the same month in a very intense way, a real spectacle for the senses. This means that it is a meteor shower visible from the Earth en, at the moment when our planet revolves around the Sun it crosses a zone of dust particles and debris.2.

Where do the perseides look best?The ideal place to enjoy the rain of stars is in nuclei far from the cities, where the sky is much clearer and there is no pollution. It is convenient to observe the sky in a panoramic way and not get too close with the help of binoculars or telescopes that bring us too close to the objective, because the interesting thing is to maintain a global vision.

3. Why do they call them tears of San Lorenzo?

The name of these Perseids is due to the closeness in time with the day

August 10th, anniversary in which the Spanish martyr San Lorenzo was sacrificed in Rome. A holiday that is celebrated this day and that coincides with the rain of stars or meteors, whose maximum degree of apogee happens from that day until the 13 of much more intense form. 4. Why is the shower of stars?The perseides or

tears of San Lorenzo

occur when in one of the Earth's turns around the Sun, our planet is in an area where dust particles are very present. This is due to a comet called Swift-Tuttle that left these debris, and that causes the fragments left over in the gravitational field to be released during this time, creating the rain of stars. The atmosphere is the powerful network that protects us from this coming to Earth.5.

When are the perseides occurring?The most important and special star shower of the year begins during the first days of August, and can reach up to 20. However, it is the night of 12 to 13 of this month when the real explosion that makes theperseides or tears of San Lorenzo

occupy the sky.