What is the prenatal sensory stimulation of the baby

Prenatal sensory stimulation is part of the prenatal and perinatal psychology, tremendously developed in the United Kingdom and Germany. This branch of psychology aims to work with mothers in different stages (before, during and after pregnancy) to achieve greater physical and mental well-being that

Prenatal sensory stimulation is part of the prenatal and perinatal psychology, tremendously developed in the United Kingdom and Germany.

This branch of psychology aims to work with mothers in different stages (before, during and after pregnancy) to achieve greater physical and mental well-being that is thought to influence their baby's, since It is proven that the fetus begins to develop its sensory and emotional capacities in the womb, and therefore it must be ensured that this environment becomes an appropriate place.

Is it possible to stimulate the baby during pregnancy?

The stimulation of our child from the uterus is possible, thanks to the prenatal sensory stimulation, which are a series of exercises or techniques with which the baby's neuronal connection can be worked on, influencing different senses that develop as During pregnancy: sight, hearing, touch ...

The benefits of these techniques are not only thought to have an impact on the future child, but also for parents is very positive, since the link is worked from the principle, we become aware of paternity, it gives us confidence.

According to specialists in these techniques, our babies would be prepared to take full advantage of sensory stimulation from the fourth month of pregnancy, but without going crazy; It is known that overstimulation can be counterproductive.

Although we are talking about the baby, it is known that the responsible for providing a pleasant and healthy environment is the mother, which there are certain exercises focused on her, which is known to have an impact on the little. There are already many studies that the stress of the mother negatively influences the fetus, while on the contrary states of tranquility, of well-being do it in a positive way.

How to stimulate the baby from the womb

So, what can pregnant women do for our well-being and that of our child?

- Gymnastics for pregnant women: specific exercises guided by professionals trained in these special moments for women. The best ones are known to be yoga, pilates or belly dancing. The aquatic environment is also very positive. The benefits are multiple: women feel in better physical shape, reduce joint pain, we release endorphins, we rest better, we are with other pregnant women.

- Relaxation and Mindfulness for pregnant women: makes us aware of living in the present moment, helps us to connect with our baby and with our body. Many of these techniques are based on breathing.