What children learn when they are 6 years old

It is from the age of six when you start to see a huge evolution in the boy or girl. Children begin to be more aware of the world outside the home. They begin to gain trust and make real friends, although they will continue to have problems in resolving conflicts from time to time. It is from the ag

It is from the age of six when you start to see a huge evolution in the boy or girl. Children begin to be more aware of the world outside the home. They begin to gain trust and make real friends, although they will continue to have problems in resolving conflicts from time to time.

It is from the age of six when the child begins to understand many more things than when everything was a 'magical world', but what stands out most at this age?

13 things that children learn when they are 6 years old

1. After the age of six, children have a greater capacity for concentration and can pay attention for a long time, but they still prefer structured activities to feel safe.

2. Language is the basis of learning, they have a clear pronunciation, they use complex sentences.

3. Begin to read independently. They read aloud with fluency, precision and understand what they are reading. They read for pleasure and they are also able to enjoy the text read.

4. They are able to write stories, descriptions and write small notes to share with others.

5. They are capable of counting up to 200 and backwards from at least 20. They use increasingly sophisticated strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. They begin to understand the maps with the help of instructions.

6. Although they start to leave the world of fantasy, they can continue to give human characteristics to animals, such as a dog having arms instead of legs or a butterfly having eyelashes.

7. Their thinking becomes more sophisticated and they understand the world around them much better.

8. They like to move being explorers of the environment. Your motor skills continue to improve. At this age it is important that they practice not having a sedentary lifestyle so that they can develop faster and better. Children who are sedentary have a worse physical development. Children need movement!

9. They like to enjoy their talents and are able to be aware of their emotions and those of others. They are aware that they can be talented and are capable of managing self-control techniques.

10. At this age they enjoy social activities and their friends.

11. They understand the importance of sharing and they like to do it. Es 12. It is necessary that at home follow strong routines because this helps them feel safe and have good emotional stability.

13. They need instructions from adults to deal with some situations.