The legend of the tooth fairy. Short stories

In the Anglo-Saxon countries and in Germany, it is not the Tooth Fairy who is in charge of collecting the children's milk teeth and leaving a gift in their place, this work full of magic and illusion, is done by a little fairy : the tooth fairy , this is his story. Once upon a time, in a land above

In the Anglo-Saxon countries and in Germany, it is not the Tooth Fairy who is in charge of collecting the children's milk teeth and leaving a gift in their place, this work full of magic and illusion, is done by a little fairy : the tooth fairy, this is his story.

Once upon a time, in a land above the clouds, there lived a fairy with her two older sisters and her mother, the Fairy Princess. They spent most of the time training their powers, however, the little fairy preferred to go down to earth and see how the boys and girls played.

Short Story of the Tooth Fairy

One night the Fairy Princess went to see the little fairy while she slept on the stars, worried because she never wanted to train:

- If you do not practice your magic, my little one, you will lose your powers. You already know how to fly and become invisible, but you have not learned anything else.

- I know mother, but I like to fly and go down to earth. I am not good with the other powers, I just want to see the children, in reality what I would like is to be a girl, like them.

Far from getting angry, the Princess Fairy took her in his arms and consoled her: "My little daughter, you are very special, you have powers that children can never have."

The little fairy, however, was still sad because she did not want to be special she wanted to laugh, cry, play, sing and, above all, have friends. And, she confessed through tears, that instead of practicing her powers, she had been visiting the children again and again.

The Princess Fairy was thinking of a way to comfort and cheer her daughter and after a long night, she found the solution. The next day he gathered his daughters and asked them why they would use their great powers.

The eldest fairy said that she would place the stars in the sky and make all the planets turn and rotate around the sun. The middle sister said that she would make sure that there were no lonely people in the world and that love would unite the twin souls.

They all waited for the little fairy to explain what she would do, but she remained silent without knowing what to answer. Finally, the Fairy Princess said:

- I have the solution, I know how you can use your powers, but be careful, it is a very special job. You will constantly fly over the boys and girls vigilantly and when they grow up and lose their teeth, you will make that moment magical. You will become the Fairy of the Teeth,you will keep your small little teeth to turn them into stars in the sky, thus keeping your childhood forever. Instead, you will leave gifts and children can have in you, a very special friend.