Day of Saint Vidal, July 2. Names for children

Vidal is a name for a child of Latin origin that means "that gives life" siendo, being one of the most beautiful names any child can wear. Despite its meaning and beauty, Vidal has never been placed on the list of the most frequent names, but it may be a good time to revitalize it. He celebrates his

Vidal is a name for a child of Latin origin that means "that gives life" siendo, being one of the most beautiful names any child can wear.Despite its meaning and beauty, Vidal has never been placed on the list of the most frequent names, but it may be a good time to revitalize it. He celebrates his name day

on July 2, which is the day of Saint Vidal.Curiosities about the name Vidal

Because of the meaning of his name, Vidal implies a vital personality with an energetic and dynamic character. Friendly, fun and optimistic, Vidal easily triumphs in social relationships, as he is a confident and self-confident person. In addition, Vidal has extensive intellectual concerns and develops his intelligence for the benefit of his family and friends. Generous and loyal, it rises like a protective figure that welcomes you with security.

The name Vidal

is not well known in other languages, even in the Hispanic sphere it has not been able to gain popularity at any time. If instead you see a more frequent use as a surname, but that does not detract from the name of your child, but it adds an original touch and distinction as few names can do. The world of journalism is where we find a broader representation of the name of your child, both in the form of a surname and a proper name. Thus, we know the Spanish peridista Vidal Maté, the television presenter Manuel Campo Vidal, and the journalist, but also writer César Vidal.

We also know

football players, politicians, soldiers and musicians by name or surname Vidal, but there is a personality that draws our attention. The renowned French historian Pierre Vidal-Naquet, who left us an extensive bibliography on ancient Greece, while remaining a critical analyst of today's society. To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of April, consult our calendar of the names of saints of July. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez

. Editor of