What is the freezing of ovules

Freezing of ovules has arrived to give solutions to women who, for one reason or another, personal or family problems, believe that the time has not yet come to be mothers, but they are dangerously close to the barrier of 40 years. The egg freezing technique , also known as vitrification, preserves

Freezing of ovules has arrived to give solutions to women who, for one reason or another, personal or family problems, believe that the time has not yet come to be mothers, but they are dangerously close to the barrier of 40 years.

The egg freezing technique, also known as vitrification, preserves the ovules of women in the same state as when they were taken, thus preventing their deterioration and the possible consequences at the time of a subsequent fertilization.

The process of egg freezing

The vitrification is relatively new and has meant a great advance in the technique of egg freezing, since with the previous procedures the survival rate of the ovule after thawing was minimal.

The number of women who agree to freeze their eggs increases exponentially each year, since life is increasingly complicated in the fertile age of women and many have to give up motherhood. In addition, in cases of disease, such as cancer, egg freezing gives the woman the possibility of saving a fertile ovule before the possibility of loss of fertility after undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Resolving doubts about egg freezing

- How is the process? The process is simple, but medical checks should be carried out so as not to endanger the patient's health. It lasts approximately two weeks. In the first visit to the consultation, a stimulation of the ovulation is performed, so that about fifteen days later the follicular aspiration can be performed, thanks to which the ovules of the ovaries are subtracted.

- Does the technique of egg freezing hurt?The discomfort in the abdominal area and in the belly after follicular aspiration is usually mild, but may persist for a few days after the intervention.

- How much does it cost to freeze the ovules? This whole egg freezing process has a price that ranges between $ 2,500 and $ 7,000, but usually incorporates a clause in which from a certain number of years, whether two, five or ten, depending on the The company that performs the treatment, must pay a fee, annually for each year that wants to continue to keep the frozen ovules, which is around $ 300 per year.

- Can ovules be frozen if contraceptives are taken? Despite what may seem it is possible to freeze eggs even when the woman is subjected to some form of contraceptive treatment, such as the IUD. In addition, only a few ovules are removed using the vitrification technique, making it possible to become pregnant naturally.

- What requirements does the woman need to freeze eggs? It has to be fertile and this does not depend as much on the age as on the reproductive capacity of each woman since sometimes the biological and chronological age do not coincide.

- What percentage of success does this technique have? There is a success that ranges between 40 and 50% in women under 35 years old

Diego Fernández. Editor of Guiainfantil.com