Milk hyperproduction during lactation

In the same way that hypogalactia (low production of breast milk) is a relatively frequent phenomenon and causes great concern to mothers, hypergalactia (hyperproduction of breast milk) is a clinical picture much less known, and he speaks very little, both within and outside the scientific community

In the same way that hypogalactia (low production of breast milk) is a relatively frequent phenomenon and causes great concern to mothers, hypergalactia (hyperproduction of breast milk) is a clinical picture much less known, and he speaks very little, both within and outside the scientific community.

What exactly is hypergalactia and how does it affect breastfeeding?

What is hypergalactia or milk hyperproduction and how does it affect the baby

As a general rule, the amount of milk produced is conditioned by the demand that the child exerts. In hypergalactia there is an imbalance between supply and demand. Thus, the production of milk is greater than the demand for it by the baby.

The cause that triggers this productive abundance is unknown, and the picture has a certain tendency to repeat itself in successive pregnancies.

Although, from a conceptual point of view, milk hyperproduction may seem benign and inconsequential, it often generates clinical symptoms in the child. The most alarming symptoms are: choking, cyanosis (bluish color of the skin), coughing and vomiting. In addition, there may be irritability. Due to these facts, the picture is often confused with a gastroesophageal reflux disease. The mother, on the other hand, manifests symptoms derived from chest congestion.

Treatments for hypergalactia in nursing mothers

From the therapeutic point of view, the most effective strategies are: to promote a 'pincer effect' on the breast at the beginning of breastfeeding, to offer frequent shots (before the child receives the breast by much hunger), allow the child to stop as many times as necessary during the feeding.

Evolution is usually favorable. By three months of breastfeeding, mothers usually report the resolution of the process.