Why some women produce more breast milk than others

One of the main fears and insecurities of breastfeeding mothers is whether they produce enough milk, if their baby goes hungry, if they are properly fed. Assuming that breast milk is the best food we can offer our baby, that is, it has all the nutritional components our child needs; It is true that

One of the main fears and insecurities of breastfeeding mothers is whether they produce enough milk, if their baby goes hungry, if they are properly fed.

Assuming that breast milk is the best food we can offer our baby, that is, it has all the nutritional components our child needs; It is true that we are not able to control the amount it takes, just like we would with the bottle. A very common question about breastfeeding is: why some women produce more breast milk than others.

Some women produce more breast milk than others: why?

There are many indications that our baby is well nourished, however, we usually compare ourselves with other mothers, even with other babies.

There are women who produce a lot of milk, who overflow, they need to constantly wear breast protectors, their babies choke, get fat every day. They have constantly engorged breasts.

On the other hand there are others that do not need to wear anything, they do not stain their shirts, they do not seem to have milk, and yet their babies are healthy and happy and get fat correctly.

Except for specific cases of hypogalactia,each woman will produce exactly the amount of breast milk her baby needs, or her babies in the case of multiple breastfeeding or in tandem. So we should not look at our friend or our neighbor, whether or not she has protectors, or if her breasts are more turgid; we must look at our baby, to look for signs of an inadequate production: do not wet the diapers, that is very decayed, that does not cry, that it is constipated, that it does not wake up for the takings, an inadequate weight gain, etc.

The opposite side of the hypogalactia is that of the ejection reflex too strong, which usually occurs when women produce too much milk. When it happens there are some babies who learn to manage it by opening their mouths, or by separating themselves from the breast, whereas there are others who take it badly, perhaps because of their temperament: they usually get angry at the breast, choke, cough, suffer from gas, liquid stools and green ...

Milk production must adapt to what our baby needs, that is why the greater supply and greater stimulation on the part of the older baby will also be the milk production; we must feed our little one whenever we demand it, without clocks and without protocols.

There are mothers who only need to offer a breast, and with this the baby is satiated; and others need to offer both breasts. Both situations are normal, each lactation is a world, each baby is unique as well as each woman. That's why we should never compare two women or two babies. What matters is that both are well, that the mother has no difficulties, doubts, insecurities and that the baby grows healthy and happy.