Day of Saint Clement, November 14. Names for children

Clemente is a name for a boy of Latin origin of obvious meaning "kindly", "clement", although there is no lack of who gives him a Greek origin with the meaning of "famous". In any case, Clemente is not a frequent name, but its use is very familiar and likes to be original. Celebrate your name day on

Clemente is a name for a boy of Latin origin of obvious meaning "kindly", "clement", although there is no lack of who gives him a Greek origin with the meaning of "famous".

In any case, Clemente is not a frequent name, but its use is very familiar and likes to be original. Celebrate your name day on November 14, which is the day of San Clemente.

Curiosities about the name Clemente

Because of the meaning of his name, Clemente has a charismatic personality that exerts a great attraction in others. His triumph in social relationships is based on his cheerful and kind nature and generosity. In addition, Clemente is a committed person who does not hesitate to acquire family and work responsibilities.

The name Clemente is known throughout the world with some variant. Clement, Kliment or Clemens are some of the most popular forms. We are facing a name that has many chances to gain popularity in the coming years to maintain the full weight of tradition and at the same time provide a different touch.

It may help you to choose the name of the baby the number of Popes, no less than 14, who have taken the name Clemente. In addition, it is a name that also appears as a surname, as in the case of the popular soccer coach, Javier Clemente or the Mexican muralist José Clemente Orozco.

Clement is also a small island in the Pacific Ocean, as well as a town in California. And we remember the Peruvian modernist writer Clemente Palma, the Argentine naturalist Clemente Onelli or the Peruvian poet and dramatist Clemente Althaus.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate his saint in the month of November, consult our calendar of names of Saints in November. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez. Collaborator of