When you can cut a baby's hair

Some babies are born with a lot of hair and others are born with very little amount. The color and amount of hair that the baby has at birth is not definitive and during the first months it will fall and transform until it acquires more consistency. That's why many first-time dads are wondering when

Some babies are born with a lot of hair and others are born with very little amount. The color and amount of hair that the baby has at birth is not definitive and during the first months it will fall and transform until it acquires more consistency. That's why many first-time dads are wondering when to cut their hair to the baby.

The hair, as with the baby's skin, is very delicate in the first months but it can be cut without problems when it is convenient. However, before cutting your hair you have to take into account some security measures and also forget about certain myths that circulate around that first haircut of the baby.

When to cut the baby's hair

Many people still believe in the legend that the baby's hair should not be cut until it is one year old or else it will lose strength, or it will take longer to say his first words, or It will cost more to start crawling ... endless premonitions that have no foundation. You can cut the baby's hair at any time because neither your health nor your development will be affected in any way.

The time of the first haircut will depend on the characteristics of each baby. Some babies are born with hair and after a few weeks they fall unevenly, leaving small baldness especially in the area where they rest on the pillow. It is the moment in which some parents want to make the first haircut to your baby to match all the hair.

Other parents consider their baby to have abundant hair and if it is a hot season, they prefer to cut it or even shave it so that they feel more comfortable. And in this matter of shaving the baby's hair, there is also a myth that you have to do it to make the hair grow stronger. Again it is a false myth since the baby's hair is determined by the genetic inheritance.

How to cut the baby's hair

Now that we have clarified that the best time for the first haircut depends on each baby, the next question parents ask is how do I cut my baby's hair? The fears of doing him some harm if we do it ourselves are logical and the option of taking the baby to the hairdresser does not motivate much either, since most of the halls do not have the proper facilities for a baby. That is why it is necessary to arm yourself with safety and cut the baby's hair in our own home. As some babies the sound of hair cutting machines scares them, it is better to do it with rounded-tipped scissors that cut well. Safety is the first thing so as not to hurt the baby, so it is best to do it between two people. One to hold the head of the baby and watch not to make sudden movements and another person to go cutting the hair. If we also choose the moment after the bath, the baby will be more relaxed and there will be no problem.

Laura Vélez. Editor of Guiainfantil.com