21 Weeks of pregnancy

Having a good relationship during pregnancy will help you share fears and feel supported in this moment of so many changes for you. It is advisable that your partner is involved from pregnancy and participate in it, will help face your face as a father when the baby is born además and also be good f

Having a good relationship during pregnancy will help you share fears and feel supported in this moment of so many changes for you. It is advisable that your partner is involved from pregnancy and participate in it, will help face your face as a father when the baby is born además and also be good for your relationship. Share ideas about the education of your baby, go together with the medical tests or buy the materials for the baby as a couple from week 21 of pregnancy.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

The movements of the baby become more evident, what you previously noticed as a slight tingling or tingling from one side of the abdomen to the other giving way to small taps and kicks that you are already clearly identifying . You may notice more "your baby's agitation" in the twenty-first week of pregnancy when you are calm in bed. Later on when the baby has grown enough he will even be able to wake you up with some sudden movement or kick.

It is very normal to show some muscle stiffness and discomfort in cervical or lumbar throughout pregnancy. Your spine moves forward and this can cause back pain. Performing physical exercise to strengthen the lower back will help you from now on, when your back and legs have to support much more weight. Some women suffer with swelling of hands, feet and ankles, it is advisable that you drink a lot of water, walk every day at least half an hour and do light exercise such as swimming, yoga or pilates.

Development and evolution of the baby in pregnancy

Your baby is already 19 weeks old. In your 21st week of pregnancy, the fetus is about 25 centimeters tall and weighs between 350 and 385 grams.

Your baby alternates periods of wakefulness and sleep, for that reason, sometimes you will notice his movements and in others you will feel that he is calmer. It is recommended that from the moment you are able to perceive their movements, be aware that every day you move.

If some day you will not notice any movement in the fetus, go to the consultation


Your bone marrow starts producing red blood cells and your digestive system is still developing. Your baby can hear noise, suck his finger and make quick eye movements. Health and emotions during pregnancyAllergic people who usually take medication to alleviate the symptoms should consult the doctor about the possibility of continuing with the treatment during pregnancy, especially if you suffer seasonal allergy and comes the spring.

As your pregnancy progresses

the growth of the uterus causes some organs to move

. The lungs are higher and you may feel more tired or more difficult to breathe, if you also have asthma you should consult your specialist about the possibility of treating you with bronchodilators in case of suffering a crisis.

Insomnia during pregnancy is a disorder that affects many women, and even if you used to sleep through the night continuously, you could suffer nocturnal awakenings, it is normal. To alleviate it you can try to keep a quieter pace of life, always have the same sleeping and waking pattern, do not drink a lot of water before going to bed and avoid drinks with caffeine in the second part of the day.

Diet and feeding for the pregnant woman It is easier for you in the twenty-first week of gestation to know what you can eat, but sometimes pregnant women are asked the question: can I eat this? Your doctor can clarify any type of doubt in your visits, but as a rule, especially to prevent toxoplasmosis, you must avoid raw meats and fish, sausages, unwashed vegetables or unpasteurized products.Also, during pregnancy it is important to prevent anemia, quite common in pregnant women. The medical tests will guide the gynecologist about your deficiencies and

will prescribe supplements

if needed.

Evaluate the food you are carrying and, if you are gaining more weight than recommended, you will recommend avoiding fats, reducing foods with a lot of sugar, not eating pastries or meeting the guidelines of drinking two liters of water per day. If you have a proper diet, watching carefully, you will gain healthy habits in your diet that you can then keep and help you recover your figure. Curiosities in week 21 of pregnancy

You will wonder what expenses you have to make before your baby arrives and how it will affect your economy. Normally if it is your first baby your family and friends will help you with gifts, do not be shy about telling them what you need. First-time moms often make unnecessary expenses or buy objects that are then cornered,

make a list of what is really imprescidible

for the first weeks of the baby's life. Then you will see little by little what you have to acquire.

Do not forget to keep what is in good condition if you plan to have more children, it will be very useful in the future not to have the same expenses again.