Guess the character. Easy games for children

The game, both in animals and humans, not only has the function of entertaining the little ones. Its main value is learning through activities that not only do not involve an effort, but those that children enjoy. Few games are more like children than riddles, so we can invite you to play a variant

The game, both in animals and humans, not only has the function of entertaining the little ones. Its main value is learning through activities that not only do not involve an effort, but those that children enjoy.

Few games are more like children than riddles, so we can invite you to play a variant called 'Guess the character' or 'Who am I? That will further stimulate your imagination.

How to play 'Guess the character' with the children

Recommended age:From 6 years old

Players:2 or more

How to play:A list of characters is written (can be done by a person who organizes the game or between all). The characters can be fictitious or real, alive or dead, of any time. Each person chooses a paper and without looking at it, he shows it to others or puts it on his forehead.

In turn, each player must ask questions whose answer can only be "yes" or "no" to know which character has touched him. Win who first guesses his character. When all the players have guessed their character, the game starts again.

Benefits for children: This game is ideal to develop interest in words, and to expand the vocabulary of children, in addition to sharpening their ingenuity and creativity. We can invite you to choose story, historical characters etc. even other types of categories such as animals, plants or objects.