Day of Saint John the Evangelist, December 27. Names for children

Juan Evangelista is a compound name for a child. The name John has a Hebrew origin meaning "he who is compassionate" and the name Evangelista has a meaning from the Greek and is "he who announces something good." As Juan is one of the most frequent names, many times parents prefer to accompany him w

Juan Evangelista is a compound name for a child. The name John has a Hebrew origin meaning "he who is compassionate" and the name Evangelista has a meaning from the Greek and is "he who announces something good."

As Juan is one of the most frequent names, many times parents prefer to accompany him with another name that distinguishes them, and evangelist is a good option, especially if the child was born on December 27, which is when his onomastics.

Curiosities about the name for children Juan Evangelista

The name Juan takes a wide variety of forms in all languages, from French Jean to Italian Giovanni, through Johannes in German and John in English. The Gaelic variant Ewan is also related to this name Juan, an option that is very popular today thanks to the actor Ewan MacGregor. And we can not forget the also very frequent variation of the name Juan in Russian, Iván.

If you add to your son John the name Evangelista you are making direct reference to the name of saint and one of the apostles, precisely the one they say was the most beloved by Jesus. Of humble origin, John the Evangelist went from being a fisherman in his homeland of Galilee to being one of the most important preachers of the Christian world.

Because John the Evangelist not only wrote one of the Gospels, the one with the highest literary quality, but he also wrote the Apocalypse during his exile on the island of Patmos. And his apocalyptic visions have been translated on numerous occasions to the cinema and have served as the basis for many successful novels, in addition to becoming the subject of many works of art throughout history.

The figure of Juan Evangelista is surrounded by legends and several miracles are attributed to him. On one occasion, a priest from Ephesus challenged him to drink from a glass of wine mixed with snake venom, and John the Evangelist drank it up without anything happening to him. This miracle gave rise to the tradition that still exists today in Germany of toasting with the Johannis-Minne, or the friendly cup, to recover health.

If you want your child to learn to write hisname Juanin calligraphy and also can color it in uppercase and lowercase letters with the colors that you like, just click on the name Juan to print his beautiful name.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate his saint in the month of December, consult our calendar of the names of saints of December. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Editor of