10 Arabic names for girls

There are families who have it very clear, but others have a harder time choosing the name of the baby because of the number of options there are. The idea is to find a nice name that fits the personality of the baby and for that there is nothing better than knowing the origin and meaning of each na

There are families who have it very clear, but others have a harder time choosing the name of the baby because of the number of options there are. The idea is to find a nice name that fits the personality of the baby and for that there is nothing better than knowing the origin and meaning of each name.

The names of Arabic origin for girls are names with very attractive meanings and with a special musicality that fills them with charm. This is our list of 10 Arabic names for girls where you will surely find the ideal name for your baby.

Arabic names for girls

1. Samira. It is one of the most beautiful Arab names for girls and means 'friend of the night'. Its popularity has spread throughout the world and we find it a family name and very sweet.

2. Laila. This name of Arab origin is one of the most popular and we love it because it lavishes sweetness and charisma. It means 'night' and it is not strange to see it in the lists of frequent names for girls.

3. Yasmina. With one of the most beautiful meanings, 'jasmine', we like this flower name because it comes full of strength and charisma. Without losing originality, it is a well-known and very attractive name.

4. Fatima. This name is very popular in the Hispanic world and means 'unique'. With a special charisma and endorsed by tradition, is one of those names able to reinforce the personality of your girl.

5. Salma. It is a name of Arabic origin that 'calm' and that is known throughout the world. It exudes charm and seduction and its simplicity makes it a safe bet for your girl.

6. Amine. The name means 'sincere', a statement of intent for your child. We like it because it is a sweet name capable of seducing by its musicality.

7. Dunia. It is another of the most widespread Arab names in the world and means 'lady of the world'. It likes for its simplicity and because it maintains a touch of freshness and originality.

8. Zaida. With medieval airs, this Arabic name means la 'the one that grows' . It has so much strength that it has not lost freshness despite its use and has all the requirements of charisma and personality to be the ideal name.9. Aida.

The name means la 'the one who returns' and is one of those Arabic names that have spread throughout the world to become frequent. It is a simple but powerful name for your girl. 10. Altair. This name means

'fly' and is a unisex name that works for both girls and boys. It is most attractive both for its musicality and its meaning. Laura Vélez. Editor of Guiainfantil.com