Exercises to teach children how to pronounce the letter S

There are phonemes that are more complicated for children. Undoubtedly, the most troublesome are the letter R and the S. While in the first case, given the difficulty of pronouncing the R, it is called 'rotacism', in the second case, a bad pronunciation of the S it can cause a lisp or a lisp. From G

There are phonemes that are more complicated for children. Undoubtedly, the most troublesome are the letter R and the S.While in the first case, given the difficulty of pronouncing the R, it is called 'rotacism', in the second case, a bad pronunciation of the S it can cause a lisp or a lisp. From

Guiainfantil.com , we offera series of exercises that can help your child pronounce the letter S. 7 exercises to teach children how to pronounce the S well

Up to 5 years, it is normal that children do not correctly pronounce the letter S. The use of a pacifier, the loss of milk teeth, the habit of snoring at night, a bad placement of the teeth ... everything influences this phoneme.

To avoid future problems, you can help with these simple exercises :1. The position of the tongue:

You should ask your child to support the tip of the tongue on the inside of the lower teeth. In such a way that the sides of the tongue touch the molars above. The jaw a little open and the mouth draws a slight smile. For that gap that remains, you must leave the 's' when you pronounce it. To be aware of how to place the tongue, it is best to use a mirror. 2. Poetry:

Choose poems that include many words with the letter S. This way you will practice without almost realizing it. You can also help you from well-known verses such as these: 'Healthy, healthy, frog's ass, if you do not heal today, you will heal tomorrow'. Traba 3. Tongue twisters:Tongue twisters are ideal for practicing the pronunciation of a phoneme. Look for some tongue twister that contains the letter S, like this one: 'If a hundred mountain ranges saw a hundred cypresses, six hundred mountain ranges saw six hundred cypresses'. Canciones 4. Songs with the letter S:

Children love songs, and it helps them a lot in their learning. Look for songs that include many sounds with the letter S. While you have fun and dance ... you will be practicing the pronunciation of the S without finding out!5. Imitate a snake:

You can use imitation. Often it is harder for children to imitate a sound than to try to pronounce it well when you ask them. For example, you can ask to imitate a snake, or the sound of a balloon when it deflates ... 6. The pen:

The pen can help you put your mouth in the correct way. How? Ask your child to hold the pen facing him and place it on top of his tongue to force him to stay down. It will be enough to support half of the pen on the tongue. Now, without letting go of the pen, you must bite it, catch it with your teeth. This will have the position of the tongue and the opening of the mouth necessary to pronounce the letter S. Pron 7. Pronounce the letter Z. Yes, we can ask the child to pronounce the letter Z. To do this, he will stick out his tongue and bite lightly. . Ask him / her that at the moment of extracting the tongue to pronounce the Z, he / she goes taking the language backwards, so that the Z will go turning into a soft S.

If after doing all these exercises, time passes and you still do not notice any progress, it is time to consult with the speech therapist, since it is definitely a dyslalia (known as sigmatism). Maybe the solution also goes through a visit to the dentist.