
The gestures that children inherit from their parents

When a child is born, many of the questions that are said have to do with the likeness of the newcomer to the family. In addition, the parents themselves always try to be reflected both physically and psychically in children. The resemblance is pure biology, but for many parents it is something impo

The ideal relationship between parents and children

These days I have been talking with my Venezuelan friend about the education of our children, we are both worried about some bad behaviors that children have at some moments. We are worried about certain behaviors and we wondered if we were to blame for these attitudes. At the end of the day, althou

The importance of the brothers from childhood to old age

Today I read in the newspaper that photographer Nicholas Nixon has exhibited a series of images in the National Gallery of Art in New York. So far this is another story, however, what is important is what this series shows. These are images of his wife and three sisters from 1975 to 2010. These phot

The importance of the grandparents in the family

The grandparents are a fundamental pillar in the education of the grandchildren, they transmit wisdom, experience, tranquility, affection, stability ... However, the benefit is mutual, since the grandparents They are also emotionally enriched by contact with their grandchildren. Today, the role of g

The lesson of a 6-year-old girl to her mother

If I can be good, I think we can all be good'. It is the phrase of Tiana , a little philosopher of 6 years, who one day surprised her mother with this speech, clear, direct and well organized. Tiana had seen her parents arguing (her mother is a single mother) and wanted to ask her something: 'I wan

Overprotective siblings

In families there are overprotective parents who do not do their children any favors since make them insecure and dependent , but we can also find overprotective siblings who can make exactly the same thing happen. Normally it is the older siblings who feel that feeling of overprotecting the little

The role of the school for the adopted child

When a child is given up for adoption, it always goes through a process of mating and a first stage in which the bond with their new parents must be strengthened. This stage is not the same in all children and it will not last as long as it depends on the age of your child, the conditions in which t

Tips to be a good grandfather or grandmother

Grandparents are a fundamental pillar in today's families. The incorporation of women into the world of work and the economic situation have caused grandparents to spend more time with their grandchildren and to intervene in their daily education and development. But it is very important to bear in

Toxic parents who can destroy their children

I can not believe that such a father or mother can exist, but they exist, of course. They are fathers or mothers who constantly undermine the physical and moral integrity of their children. They are known as toxic parents. Or at least that's how they started calling them psychologists and pedagogues

Types of shared custody of children

The first thing to keep in mind is that, at present, joint custody is usually an exceptional measure and not the usual one; This means that, normally, custody of children in a traditional way had been given to the mother in 80% of divorce cases. Only in 8% of cases does the father request joint cust

Useful tips for first-time parents

Parents are in the learning phase throughout their lives. Each stage in a child's life is different and is learned as the baby grows and new challenges are posed to address. However, the greatest impact happens from the moment of conception. The moment the first-time mother becomes pregnant, she has

What grandparents should never do

In the education of children, grandparents have a very important weight. Children who are educated with grandparents will receive values ​​and a very important moral, since their extensive experience in life will make them teach values ​​that parents of children do not yet have. The advantages for c

What is joint custody of the children Family

When the relationship goes wrong, when children live in a tense and full of discussions climate, it is time to consider separation. A divorce is usually a difficult time for both adults and children and the consequences are not always well understood. That the adults have decided to break up the cou

What it is to be a good father according to Augusto Cury

Being a father implies a commitment to educate, love and accompany your child all the way from baby to adulthood. The Brazilian thinker and psychologist Augusto Cury reflex, reflects on what it means to be a good father. Reflections that make us think about how we approach our educational model with

What you should know before giving up for adoption

This is a very complicated issue for biological parents . Taking the step to offer or not offer your child for adoption will probably be one of the most important decisions of your life, so you must inform yourself well before taking this option for good. It is important that it be a totalmente tota

When the adopted child has experienced a traumatic event

When a child is adopted, it is because things have not gone well and there is a family that has not been able to take care of him. This fact has to make you think that the origins of the child are not ideals and that it is very likely that he experienced a traumatic event beyond adoption that, in it

When the adopted child wants to meet his biological parents

There comes a moment in the life of every adopted child in which questions about their origins are obligatory . This moment and the way to approach it will always depend on two things: on the child's own characteristics (his personality) and on the attitude of the parents towards adoption. When we t

When the adoption does not work

Before an adoption is effective and you can take your child home, you will go through a series of compulsory procedures that seek to make the process a success: pre-adoption courses, tests of evaluation by professionals and meetings with the child that has been assigned to you. The objective is that

When the child does not call us mom or dad

Many parents think that when their children do not call them 'dad' or 'mom' it is because there is an emotional conflict and they think there may be some kind of emotional deprivation and that Attitude is a barrier that children put on. But the reality is that this does not always have to be the cas

When the child is the center of our world

Do you know what infantolatry is? Parents usually want our children more than ourselves. We would even prefer to be bad ourselves than they are. We also strive to cover all your needs and desires above our own needs and desires. When we become parents we initiate a dynamic, in which our universe of