
Cooking the children's meals in the oven: yes or no?

Eating healthy not only involves including a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in the diet and limiting fat, but it also depends on how the food is consumed. In this way, when it comes to cooking food, the doubt of the healthier cooking process is usually raised. Baking is usually one of the met

Cow milk or vegetable milk for children, what is better?

For some years, cow's milk has been a serious competitor in dairy preparations of vegetable origin. These vegetable milks, are prepared to drink made from ingredients of vegetable origin (almonds, rice, oats, soy ...), crushed and processed generally in water, although sometimes mixed with oil, and

Crisis of the three months of the infant. Causes and solutions

The misnamed 'Crisis of the three months of the infant' responds to an evolutionary moment of the baby before shorter shots, the perception that it is easily distracted when it is in the breast, that it does not breast so frequently or that he puts his little hand in his mouth, which is usually mist

Crudism in children. A dangerous diet in childhood

While raw veganism consists of the exclusive intake of foods of vegetable origin that have not been cooked above 45-50 ° C, for, according to their followers, maximize the viability of nutrients , there is a dietetic current that goes beyond and includes foods of animal origin without cooking, it is

Raw veganism in childhood

Raw veganism is a dietary trend consists in the exclusive intake of foods of vegetable origin that have not been cooked above, approximately, 50 ° C ya, as, according to their followers, from this temperature, the nutrients are altered. While there is evidence that man can live following a vegetaria

Curiosities about citrus fruits in the diet of children

Citrus fruit are more or less acid fruits that come from trees that require not very severe winters to survive, and a lot of light. We can include in this group orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime or tangerines . These fruits have all characteristics similar to each other, but also differences. We tell

Dangerous food in pregnancy

In the first consultations with the midwife or gynecologist, one of the most common recommendations usually refers to foods that should not be consumed during pregnancy, which can scare the future mother. For this reason, it seems appropriate to explain why some of these prohibitions and the disease

Dangers of the raw vegan diet in children

Before knowing whether this diet is dangerous or not, you will ask yourself: what is raw vegan food. It is a type of food based on the intake of raw fruits and vegetables . Raw vegans do not eat meat, nor stews, nor pizzas, nor sweets, hamburgers, or fish. Well, the story of Tom Watkings, a Dutch te

Delayed milk rise during lactation

Since pregnancy we have started to produce colostrum, some women are aware of it and others are not. Between the 2nd and 5th day postpartum, that colostrum is transformed into milk transition, is not yet the final. That is when women perceive what we call the rise of milk. But, can there be a delay

Diet for children: 3 or 5 meals a day?

3 Meals a day or 5 meals? The recommendations on the number of meals that children should make throughout the day are 5: at least 3 main meals and two smaller ones, lunch and snack. The size of these meals obviously depends on the child's age and nutritional needs, and when we talk about main meals

Canned food for children: the good and the bad

With the current pace of life precooked foods and any other alternative that facilitates and decreases the time spent in the kitchen, are allies of families to try to maintain a healthy and balanced diet without stopping consuming home-made food. However, these options are not always healthy, so it

Diet for overweight pregnant women

Slimming before pregnancy, from the moment you are looking to get pregnant, is the best preventive measure to have a safe pregnancy and delivery. When there is excess weight, the chances of a series of complications during pregnancy such as pre-eclampsia and Gestational Diabetes increase, especially

Diet for pregnant women with gestational diabetes

Gestational Diabetes is a type of diabetes that only develops during pregnancy . It is considered one of the most common pathologies of pregnancy, in the case of Latina women, for genetic reasons, the percentage is even higher. Gestational diabetes usually does not present any symptoms es, which is

Diet for pregnant women with low weight

Maternal malnutrition, both before conception and during pregnancy, is associated with an increased risk for the mother and the baby. Specialists have determined that those women with a body mass index less than 18.5 are more likely to have a premature birth or a low birth weight baby. There are cer

Diet to relieve constipation in children

Constipation is a fairly common problem in childhood, which also occurs frequently when introducing complementary feeding. The transition between the consumption of only liquid foods, easy to digest and with little waste such as breast milk, is a challenge for the gastrointestinal tract of children,

Dieting during pregnancy causes harm to the baby

All gynecologists warn expectant mothers during their pregnancy about the importance of eating a healthy and balanced diet, since this depends largely on the good development of the baby. An insufficient diet can cause serious health problems for the baby. During my first pregnancy, I was very worri

Difference between lactose intolerance and allergy to cow's milk protein

Lactose intolerance and cow's milk protein allergy are not the same, but are often confused. Sometimes one or the other term is used incorrectly. In we clarify what the APLV and lactose intolerance are, what causes them, what their symptoms are and how they are treated. With this tab

Nuisance due to lack of hydration in pregnancy

Hydration is vital for the proper functioning of the organs of the human body. 70% of our body is water, which makes this liquid a vital component. In addition, 85% of the brain is made up of water, and for that reason, correct hydration favors brain performance, that is, it keeps us active and aler

Dismantling 5 myths of infant feeding

Throughout time, many tips pass from father to son in reference to food, some of them being only myths that can only affect, in a negative way, our food and what we offer to our little ones. These are the five most common myths about infant feeding. False beliefs about infant feeding 1- Bread become

Diuretic foods during pregnancy

Fluid retention in pregnancy usually affects, to a greater or lesser extent, almost all women. As the pregnancy progresses, it usually becomes more intense, especially in the third trimester, and may continue after delivery, until the body returns to normal. Edema in general is caused by fluid reten