
Causes and solutions for children who breathe through the mouth

Oral breathing is the inappropriate habit by which the child breathes through the mouth instead of through the nose. First, it is important to know what causes this type of breathing. In we tell you what causes the child to perform mouth breathing and what can be done. Why a child b

Causes of abdominal pain in childhood

Although abdominal pain is a major concern for parents, its severity is very variable. Depending on its time of evolution, it can be classified as acute abdominal pain (if it lasts a few days) or chronic (if it lasts at least a month). The causes that can motivate one and the other are innumerable.

Causes of acne in childhood

Acne es is a skin problem that not only affects adults, but may also appear in a timely or prolonged way in the dermis of children. The fat of the skin itself, the changes in the development or growth of the child and even the environmental temperature can influence the appearance of pimples. Theref

Causes of children's crowded teeth

How beautiful a smile is with perfectly aligned teeth! But when there is a lack of space, when the teeth are piled up we say that there is 'crowding' and this crowding is appreciated aesthetically especially when it affects the front of the mouth; and is usually more common in the lower arch than in

Causes of dandruff in children

The aesthetic problems or health that we can have adults often also reach the children's field. In the same way that there are teenagers with gray hair, many young children present dandruff algo, something that is associated with adults in general or even over time. Shampoos, the scalp itself, body

Causes of the pimples on the face of the baby

When we think of the skin of the baby we imagine a soft, rosy, velvety skin ... but what many dads and moms do not imagine is that in the skin of the baby they can appear many imperfections and granites. Some do not require treatment, and over time they will be solved. Others require some specific t

Causes of the whitish tongue in children

If there is a muscle in the body that can measure the state of health of the organism, that is undoubtedly the language . Through the tongue we can know if there is a problem, since both its texture and its color are able to reveal it. Some of these discomforts can be sores that have to do with anem

Cellulitis in children. Causes and treatment

What is cellulite? The meaning of this term is very different for physicians for the popular heritage, because people usually understand cellulite as a matter of purely aesthetic concern, and very dependent on the time (remember those Venus of the painter Rubens, so generous of body matter ). Doctor

Changes in the routine of orthodontics during pregnancy

If you started orthodontic treatment and became pregnant, you should know that it is not contraindicated, but you should notify the dentist to stop performing any x-ray and also perform a series of changes in each of the visits. Keep in mind that the orthodontic treatment is long, and the visits sho

Changes in vision during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a stage of many physical changes: the chest increases, the uterus grows, the hair looks stronger and stronger, nausea and dizziness occur ... The hormones are responsible for Many of these changes and some of them directly affect the eyes and eyesight of the pregnant woman. Changes in e

Infant anemia. Causes and treatment

Our child has anemia when his body does not produce enough hemoglobin (present in red blood cells). In most cases, it is due to an iron deficit. But what are the causes of a child having low iron? Does it have to do with your? And what is the treatment you will have to follow? Here we give you all t

Child atopic dermatitis according to the season

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic and inflammatory skin disease that causes intense itching, dryness and lesions in the form of eczema. Although it can appear at any age, it occurs mainly in childhood, improving most children before two years. In some cases children suffering from atopic dermatitis end

Infant burns. Treatments and care

Burns are one of the most common childhood accidents in the home. They pose a risk to children when, due to their age, they do not take precautions to avoid burning when washing with too hot water or spilling the soup plate. Babies and children are more vulnerable to scalds caused by water and hot l

Child care when you have the flu or a cold

Flu is not the same as a cold. Although the signs may be similar, the truth is that flu symptoms are much stronger than those of a "common cold". Internally, it is important to know that the cold is caused by a bacterium, and the flu by a viral infection. In the first case, antibiotics could be used

Child stuttering. The repetition of syllables when speaking

The stuttering of children is noticed when the child speaks with an interruption in the rhythm or fluency of speech. These alterations in speech, with a frequency greater than what is considered normal in relation to the age and development of the child, are typical of stuttering in children and may

Infantile colitis. Symptoms and treatment

If there is something that is very uncomfortable and not at all pleasant for children in health, it is suffering in certain cases colitis . This ailment is very common in our children, and to know how their symptoms are and what their treatment consists in helping them to detect it in time and so th

Childhood depression. Causes and symptoms

A sad child is not the same as a depressed child . Learning to differentiate these two aspects is key when acting. A depressed child has a more severe and specific symptoms. The sadness is transient. Depression is more lasting. What are the symptoms of childhood depression The symptoms of a child wi

Childhood depression

Depression is not just about adults . Children can also suffer it. Depression in childhood is accompanied by sadness, a series of symptoms in children such as sudden mood swings, tantrums from any cause, high level of anxiety, among others. Difference between depression and sadness of children Child

Childhood diseases of hereditary transmission

Unfortunately, there are many ailments that can be passed from parents to children. Diseases can depend on multiple factors, such as diet, lifestyle or the care we give our bodies, but there is also the uncertainty of genetics. Before we are alarmed, it is recommended that we know what diseases can

Children's dysphonia: what it is and how to prevent it

We can define dysphonia as the momentary or lasting alteration of one or more of the parameters of the voice (timbre, intensity and tonal height, fundamentally). It corresponds with the typical hoarseness that we unduly call aphonia, since it consists in the total loss of the voice. Why dysphonia oc