
Infant gastritis. Causes and symptoms

Although we may think that gastritis is an adult disease, children can also suffer from it and in today's society more and more cases are diagnosed of childhood gastritis. This is the inflammation of the gastric mucosa that causes sudden and intense pain. This inflammation can be due to very diverse

Childish strabismus: what it is and how to treat it

Strabismus occurs when there is an anomaly in the parallelism of the baby's or child's eyes. One of the eyes is deflected, so that, it seems that each eye looks at a different side. This vision disorder is very evident and can be seen in babies, but also causes some problems for the child since it u

Infant encoressis or involuntary defecation

Infant encephalopathy or involuntary defecation, despite being more unknown than enuresis or urinary incontinence, is a disease that, although it can be a cause of a digestive problem, is usually related to emotional problems . It is an uncommon disease that affects children more than girls older th

Children born with problems in the intestine

Necrotizing enterocolitis is a problem that can affect the intestine of some newborns. Specifically, to premature babies (babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy), to newborns with low birth weight, to babies with certain heart conditions, with some lung disease or newborns with significant bl

Children can learn from their dreams

Have you noticed that when children dream of something they remember with intensity, at first, they seem to have lived it? It is as if dreams transport us to a parallel reality, and give us the opportunity to think and reflect on what happened. Although often many situations that both children and a

Frequent childhood accidents on holidays

Vacations are one of the periods of the year that children enjoy the most, especially for the amount of free time they can enjoy since schools and schools are closed. But during this time, with the presence of children in the home for more hours and the change of habitual routine también, it also in

Children of 5 years who still do not pronounce well

It is common that when children begin to speak they have a "rag tongue", they do not pronounce words well, only their parents understand them (and sometimes not even that), but little little by little, this is disappearing and his speech is becoming more understandable. There are sounds, (phonemes)

Children who pee in bed should go to the doctor

Urologist Juan Carlos Ruiz de la Roja collects in his book Why do children urinate in bed? Answers of a doctor las, the guidelines that parents should know to try to remove the diaper, first during the day and then during the night. It is also aimed at parents who have children who wet themselves du

Children who talk too fast

Our way of speaking is the reflection of our way of being. However, in cases where the child speaks too quickly, it can be a problem when it comes to understanding his speech. It is possible that "you eat words," that you mix with each other or that you pronounce badly. But, what can this be due to

Children who vomit very frequently

There are children who have a great facility to vomit, so much so that they resort to vomiting if a situation displeases them, if they do not want to eat or when they have a tantrum. It is a frequent event in children up to 3 years old, although it can occur in older children if it is not corrected

Children who wake up a lot at night

Just as there are children who go to bed without problems and spend the night without any kind of fright, there are those who refuse to go to bed when the time comes or they leave the room constantly, both after going to bed and during the night. What to do to solve it? Before putting any kind of re

Children with ADHD of a slow cognitive type, what is it?

Increasingly we hear about children with ADHD of slow cognitive type, and many parents ask ourselves, and what is this? Is it the same as ADHD? Is it a different disorder? Slow Cognitive Time (TCL) is a disorder that has been commonly associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder inattent

Children with amblyopia or lazy eye

Amblyopia is commonly known as a lazy eye. It is an eye that does not get to see one hundred percent, that is, it does not get to distinguish certain objects with sharpness or see letters smaller letters. However, for optometry, the science that studies the behavior of the eye, is an eye with learni

Children with Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger's Syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder that is more common in boys than in girls. Asperger children have normal appearance, normal intelligence and some special abilities. However, they are children who have difficulties in relating to others and their behavior is not appropriate at cert

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

The Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity is the most frequent neuroiological disorder in children. The most frequent symptoms are lack of attention and impulsivity. In order to diagnose that the child is ADHD, it is necessary for an expert to perform a clinical analysis since not

Children with cavus feet

The feet support all the weight of the body from the first months of the baby and are exposed to different ailments of greater or lesser importance. One of the foot problems suffered by both children and adults are feet cavities , a muscle pathology that is not always serious but to which we must pr

Children with disabilities are not children with disabilities

Every December 3, since 1992, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated. The United Nations adopted this day to call attention to the need to create support for the inclusion of people with disabilities in society. Children with disabilities are considered to be those who have

Children with disabilities. Stimulate through games

When we talk about stimulation in early childhood of children with a disability, it is usually related to early rehabilitation and we forget other benefits such as learning or acquiring social skills. However, these two elements are fundamental for the child to create a personality of its own. A goo

Children with disabilities

Children with disabilities are all those who have some deficiency, whether physical, mental, intellectual or sensory that affects them when it comes to integrating and participating fully in society. Helping the integration of children with disabilities is everyone's task. In we tel

Children with low blood pressure

As low blood pressure in adults can be a sign of a healthier life, if it occurs in childhood, it is advisable to monitor the child, as it is not common. If your child suffers from dizziness, blurred vision and confusion, feels drowsy often, drowsy, weak, nauseated, faints, can not breathe, high feve