Why children talk so loud and what to do to keep their nerves

Many times adults who are around children consider that their tone of voice is very high and this worries them. Sometimes the tone of voice used by children can be annoying but we must bear in mind that children are spontaneous, intense and full of energy. How can we achieve a mid-point between this

Many times adults who are around children consider that their tone of voice is very high and this worries them. Sometimes the tone of voice used by children can be annoying but we must bear in mind that children are spontaneous, intense and full of energy. How can we achieve a mid-point between this infant energy and the nerves that can be caused by the loud voice volume of children?

What causes the child to speak so loudly

That the children use a high tone of voice may be due to different reasons.

- Because they are children. Children are very active, they spend the day playing, exploring and making a lot of noise. Shouting and talking loudly when they are little is the natural way of communication of many children, every day they discover a new experience, something to know and it is their way of expressing it.

- By the habits of the parents. There are noisy families with people who speak very loudly and are environments in which they scream very often. All this influences children as they imitate everything they see. If family members are called loudly or with a loud voice, adults are unwittingly favoring the imitation of these behaviors. Also, if at home you have TV or music is very loud is forced to raise the voice and this behavior can be generalized to other contexts.

- To be noticed. A child will speak loudly when he understands that he is not being listened to and wants to get attention. In this cause self-esteem comes into play.

- Hearing problems. This occurs when the high tone of voice has had an obvious "start". When children do not hear themselves scream louder believing that the volume they use is normal.

What adults can do to prevent children from raising their tone of voice

Patience will be key in the process of changing the children's tone of voice. It will be a long-term evolution where adults will gradually teach children how to modulate their voice.

A first way to help them is to understand and let them be children by assessing the circumstances in which they are required to be silent or to assess if it is necessary that due to their age they are forced to behave in a certain way in contexts in which they still do not know Doing so, such as asking for silence or talking to a 2-year-old child in a movie theater.

Another way to help children is for parents to modulate their own tone of voice when speaking with them. A moderate tone of voice being an example in which the screams are not used to impose authority. In order for the children to feel that they are heard, the parents can:

- Look into the eyes of their children when they talk to them. You can not be doing anything else that requires a lot of attention while talking to the child. That is, not looking at the phone while the child is talking to us.

- When the parents are in another conversation and the child speaks loudly to get attention, you can choose to interrupt her for a moment and answer her or ask him respectfully to wait a few minutes making him see that his needs are understood but at that moment You can not attend.

- When speaking with the child, the speaking times should be respected so that they learn to respect others.

If it is believed that the child's high tone of voice may be due to hearing problems, parents should consult the otolaryngologist for an audiology exam and be able to discard it.