
Causes of jaundice in the newborn

Jaundice is defined as the yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes. It occurs as a result of the increase in bilirubin in the blood. It is very common among newborns, since suddenly their liver has to work to eliminate bilirubin (when it was in the mother's womb, it was the placenta that did it)

Children and babies with fear of water

Water is an element that attracts or causes rejection in equal parts in children. The attraction for water brings many families head-on. The parents of these children can barely be a minute relaxed because they must get up constantly to go after their little one, whose address is always the same, th

Appropriate children's shoes according to the child's age

Choosing a suitable infant footwear according to the child's age is very important to allow a correct development of the feet, which will have a decisive influence on the correct evolution of the walking. Knowing which shoes are suitable according to the child's evolutionary stage is important becau

Communication in babies

One of the main concerns of parents is knowing how to understand babies. Something very complex at the moment we can not hear your thoughts. From birth, babies have a series of instincts, which will guide their personal development. Some of these instincts are aimed at communicating and learning ora

Crochet octopuses to help premature babies

Octopus therapy is helping thousands of premature babies in neonatal units in different hospitals. What is this? Small crochet octopuses are intertwined in the little hands of babies because, according to experts, great achievements are achieved in the evolution and improvement of premature babies.

Decalogue about the colic of the nursing baby

One of the most frequent questions of the parents in the first weeks of their baby's life is, what are the baby's colic? These are episodes of prolonged, sometimes inconsolable, crying that is repeated almost daily, especially in the afternoons and evenings. It occurs in healthy children with a few

Decorate a baby room in a small room

Often the rooms of today's apartments are characterized by the limited space available. And when it comes to the room for a baby this may seem like a big problem for the parents since they need to place various items necessary for the day to day like the crib, the changing table, the closet, a batht

Table of the development of children from 0 to 6 years

The first six years of a child's life are a spectacular marathon of development, both physically and cognitively as well as at a psychological and social level. Children learn at high speed and develop motor, social and cognitive skills that will mark their part of their future personality. Guiainfa

Baby diaper dermatitis

The baby's skin is very delicate and requires scrupulous hygiene and many cares. Even so, it is normal that at some point the baby will get redness or very small pimples in the area of ​​contact with the diaper. It's called diaper rash. The dermatologist Ángela Hernández Martín , a doctor from the H

Differences between premature and premature babies

Thousands of babies are born prematurely each year and this number is increasing. The reasons are diverse, but the possibility is that the main reasons may be the advanced age of the mothers, in addition to an increase in multiple births or in vitro fertilization, among others. Although the percenta

Different types of premature babies

The arrival of any newborn is always good news, although not always the birth occurs at the same time. Sometimes the baby goes ahead and the pregnancy does not come to term. Civil society prefers to talk about pregnancies in terms of months, although doctors feel more comfortable talking in terms of

Drooling of the nursing baby

Drooling in infants is very frequent after 2 or 3 months of age. It is the outflow of saliva through the mouth, either by excessive production by the child, or by inability to swallow it . It is usually associated with the appearance of the dentition, and the salivary glands mature from that moment.

Expenses and how to save for the arrival of the baby

Your baby is about to be born and you will ask Do I have everything my baby needs? To meet your basic needs, you must first know what your little one really needs and make a budget about it. Of course, the expenses and how to save for the arrival of the baby will depend a lot on the purchasing power

Baby eye color calculator

Which is the eye color most likely to have the baby , depending on the colors of the eyes of the parents. In this calculator, we have used the most common colors, blue, green and brown. She will show her combinations as well as the probabilities, through approximate data. To use it, parents will onl

Famous moms and dads who carry their babies

A few years ago it was almost impossible to see a father or mother carry their baby in a backpack, a bandolier, a caboo or a scarf. However, today it is not only habitual, but also the most famous actors and singers of the moment point to this trend . And, it is proven that the different porting sys

Feeding or granites on the skin of the newborn

In the first days of life the newborn can present different skin lesions that in many cases scare the parents and take them to consult the pediatrician. One of them is commonly known as fattening and is shown as granites that appear espotualmente throughout the baby's skin. What are the babies' fatt

Fear of water for children and babies

The fear of water for children and babies usually provokes tantrums and tantrums in children who do not want to enter the water. This fear of water can ruin the best family vacations. Familiarizing the child with water and facilitating its adaptation to the aquatic environment has its secrets. And i

Feeding with the Kangaroo Mother Method

Babies born prematurely require special attention, which in many cases includes hospitalization and permanence for days or weeks in incubators. However, in recent years, institutions such as UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend applying, as far as possible, the so-called Kangaroo

Foot reflexology in babies

Foot reflexology performed in adults, infants and young children is, in essence, the same. The difference lies in the sensitivity and training of the reflexologist, and in the involvement of parents in the process. It is a simple technique, non-invasive , that enhances the health and the self-regula

From which month the baby sits

During the first months of life, the baby observes the world from an unusual perspective. Most of the time he is lying on his back looking at the ceiling until an adult is caught in arms and can see the world like the rest of the people. The change begins when the neck muscles become stronger and th